Got all my files now besides the operation manual, seems like the servers aren't feeling particularly fine at the moment, though speed wasn't a problem when it was working.

EDIT: Got all my files now.:D

Time to check it out!

EDIT 2: Damn EX001 & 2 was broken...:/
Stuh, my opinion is this: based on normal sales figures you project a mega sale based on a huge discount. Let's assume you know your core target, you know the market, you direct your sales to this niche, then your sales projection must be very close to the effect. I guess forums create a huge feedback, especially this one. So a sales projection must be done very carefully in advance. This includes all the measures you need to take to cover the issues that can appear. So, what I basically say its: either you host the samples on a company you know can handle all this traffic, either you cover yourself before you announce the sale, either you ship them phisically, which in this case its not valid. Am I right? So, Steven found himself now in a big trouble because of that. The high demand is a good news but in the same time a suicide mission when you don't have the means to cover it.
Stuh, my opinion is this: based on normal sales figures you project a mega sale based on a huge discount. Let's assume you know your core target, you know the market, you direct your sales to this niche, then your sales projection must be very close to the effect. I guess forums create a huge feedback, especially this one. So a sales projection must be done very carefully in advance. This includes all the measures you need to take to cover the issues that can appear. So, what I basically say its: either you host the samples on a company you know can handle all this traffic, either you cover yourself before you announce the sale, either you ship them phisically, which in this case its not valid. Am I right? So, Steven found himself now in a big trouble because of that. The high demand is a good news but in the same time a suicide mission when you don't have the means to cover it.

So basically what you are saying is, its not the IT teams fault, but the marketing guys? Or are you saying that the marketing guys MUST have had it right, and the IT Team just lied and went "Yeah, we can handle that!"

I think given by the fact that there has been way more demand than expected, it aint the IT teams fault.

Seriously, mistakes happen, they didn't expect anywhere near the kind of demand they got for this, just like everyone didn't expect the iPod to make much of a dent in the portable music player market, and it turned out to be the market leader, or the fact that SMS's on phones were only ever supposed to be used by engineers, but its become just as, if not more important than phone calls.

This is the problem with doing things based upon projection, as they are only hypothetical.

And anyway, by your assumption of the way it would work, that would mean every time Amazon or Google or Youtube goes down, the IT team are useless and should be shot.
But seriously. IVE ALREADY PAID MY FUCKING 20 DOLLARS. SIMPLE. I dont care what the servers are doing, they have my money and they need to DELIVER.

Think of it this way at least...if they mailed it, it wouldn't show up for the majority of a week. If it takes that long to be able to download it, then you are right on schedule. If it takes several weeks, then you have full right to bitch.

I know that might sound contradictory from me considering I've been whining about not getting my passcode for 3 days, but it was only because everyone else was getting theirs. There's a difference between just being impatient and actually getting bad service.
Well Ive been had all the emails and info I need. Just now my fellow guitarist in our band just got through and is DL. Lives 5 miles away. How the hell does that make sense...
I know that might sound contradictory from me considering I've been whining about not getting my passcode for 3 days, but it was only because everyone else was getting theirs. There's a difference between just being impatient and actually getting bad service.

Yeah, I don't think the service is bad either, but since even you got your passcode before me, it's time for some major whining on my part.

*whine* *whine* *whine* *whine* *whine*

Hope I'll at least get it on the 4th day.
I don't understand why people are jumping to the defence of the company so readily. The second any complaint is brought up here it's batted down. As a consumer, you have the right to be pissed if the service/product you paid for isn't being materialised as stated. It doesn't matter if it's $20 or $1, let people have their bitch and moan. The thing you have to remember is that this isn't an attack on Slate. It's become quite clear that he didn't make the mistakes here, he's a good guy and is doing everything he can to rectify the situation SOMEONE ELSE CAUSED. So unless you work for the company in question, shut up?
Yeah, I don't think the service is bad either, but since even you got your passcode before me, it's time for some major whining on my part.

*whine* *whine* *whine* *whine* *whine*

Hope I'll at least get it on the 4th day.

I emailed this morning, they just emailed me back a few hours later. I think thats a good response time. What sucks is thats on AudioMidi's end, not Steve' bitching to him will have gotten me nothing.
Well kontakt randomly starting working for me in pro idea how being i havent changed anything, but still wont work as a standalone, not that big of a deal at least i can play with my new toy now :)
I don't understand why people are jumping to the defence of the company so readily. The second any complaint is brought up here it's batted down. As a consumer, you have the right to be pissed if the service/product you paid for isn't being materialised as stated. It doesn't matter if it's $20 or $1, let people have their bitch and moan. The thing you have to remember is that this isn't an attack on Slate. It's become quite clear that he didn't make the mistakes here, he's a good guy and is doing everything he can to rectify the situation SOMEONE ELSE CAUSED. So unless you work for the company in question, shut up?

Yeah, but Matt this also isn't an Audiomidi support forum.
after more than 3 days waiting... now im downloading!! bwahahahahaha... nvm the slow kbps! im happy.. thnx Slate and the gang \m/