I'm also interested in that one:

Just posting my question from back on page 8 so it does not go unanswered as I want to know since it will affect whether or not I buy additional packages or just wait for Trigger since I will have to buy that with a package as it will not be sold separately.
Since I'm sure it's going to come up in the not to soon future, I'll ask the question now.

Steven - for the people that buy the EX base package now to get a foot into the door of the EX expandable world, are they going to be dissapointed as they add expansions only to find that GOG and WAV files are missing. I know you have been pretty clear that this is the direction going forward with Trigger, so I think it's worth asking. Say someone plays around with base EX for a month, then decides to buy Metal & More, will they get the GOG/WAV files or are they out of luck?

Sorry to be a "Debbie Downer", I was just going over everything in my head and this was a lingering question since you have been so firm about this move going forward. This could potentially effect me as well since I was considering purchasing a few more expansions soon.

Thanks Steven - if you could provide an answer it would be greatly appreciated.
I'm also interested in that one:

I'm not sure if you said this based off of my post or not but just in case ... I already know the people who ordered this deal will get the gogs/wavs but it won't be until after all of the immediate problems have been resolved I'm sure

As for wavs/gogs with additional EX packs you may purchase AFTER this audiomidi no-brainer deal, you're probably screwed on those. Slate made it pretty clear that with the impending release of Trigger, he's not gonna be doing anything to help the competition (Drumagog) which completely makes sense. However, I think he said he will include wav bundles for stuff purchased for Trigger, to be included with Trigger's native file format.

Don't know if that clears things up a bit
If Trigger won't be costing too much, I'm probably going to buy it. It triggers multisamples, right? Probably, since I can't see any other benefit to it really...
I got my passcode BUT........................... the download link that they sent me for drum classroom is NO GOOD.I emailed slate support twice...Within 24 hrs with ZERO replies! I hope my situation gets resolved.
still waiting for an email with the wavs and gogs links. First they said they would get it by friday, then today...I hope we don't have to wait much longer. I can't use the samples at all until I get them.
Don't think it works for you guys, but I already worked my way around the samples for now. I'm getting great results with this thing :S

I'm still going to need the samples, but I'm fine for now.
How long did it take you guys to get the passcode? I've been waiting for 2 days and I'm so impatient because I really want to use this
me also!

"Also, we are sending out this login info in parts to the Sneap forum members who took advantage of the Audio Midi EX deal. You are free to post on the forums that you received the wav/gog downloads but if you do, please make sure to mention that this is a staggered process to maintain fast servers so nobody feels left out or forgotten :) Thanks again for hanging in there! If you ever need to gain access back to this download area, simply go back to the main link, fill out the info, and enter the number from above to get a new login/password"