All Finished dowloading the WAV's and GOG's! Again Thanks Slate for the faster servers and the WAV's and GOG's!

"Also, we are sending out this login info in parts to the Sneap forum members who took advantage of the Audio Midi EX deal. You are free to post on the forums that you received the wav/gog downloads but if you do, please make sure to mention that this is a staggered process to maintain fast servers so nobody feels left out or forgotten :) Thanks again for hanging in there!"

And now to check out this Acustica NEbula 3 thing I've been hearing about! :Smokedev:
As for wavs/gogs with additional EX packs you may purchase AFTER this audiomidi no-brainer deal, you're probably screwed on those. Slate made it pretty clear that with the impending release of Trigger, he's not gonna be doing anything to help the competition (Drumagog) which completely makes sense. However, I think he said he will include wav bundles for stuff purchased for Trigger, to be included with Trigger's native file format.

that's what i wanted to know, thanks Skinny Viking!
So, i can purchase and use the expansions also with that version right?
and at least work with the samples then...even if its not with drumagog but with Trigger...right?
just thinking about investing in another drumplugin or not...
Just wrote to Slate support to ask them to help the guys here without a passcode (me included).

That's ridiculous. I don't know if I'd order from audiomidi again.
It'd be nice if I could get a link that actually didn't time out. :mad:
I have only been able to access the "" link TWICE. The rest of the time it just times out.
On the occasions that I did manage to get in, there was a screen for Name, email, and passcode. I enter those and am taken to another screen that has an "activation serial number" at the top of the screen as well as a username and password to access the downloads. I click the download link and a login box opens up. I enter the provided login details and hit enter and voila! The same login box reappears... I enter the info 4 or 5 more times and finally it disappears and starts to load the page with the files....

AND THEN TIMES OUT :mad: :mad:

I think I want my money back.
Got them wavs n' gogs.

Many thanks to Slate for this fantastic offer. I'm pretty sure I'll buy Trigger at some point.
It'd be nice if I could get a link that actually didn't time out. :mad:
I have only been able to access the "" link TWICE. The rest of the time it just times out.
On the occasions that I did manage to get in, there was a screen for Name, email, and passcode. I enter those and am taken to another screen that has an "activation serial number" at the top of the screen as well as a username and password to access the downloads. I click the download link and a login box opens up. I enter the provided login details and hit enter and voila! The same login box reappears... I enter the info 4 or 5 more times and finally it disappears and starts to load the page with the files....

AND THEN TIMES OUT :mad: :mad:

I think I want my money back.

the redirects to
I can't even get the initial download. Ordered the first day, emailed support and got no response. This really is starting to suck. Nice to see their sending GoG files out before everyone even gets the basic program.