day 3 of them sending me the same "mass" email................ The link to the DL site they send me to does not work still!

Which link is it and what does it say for you?

It has all worked fine for me and I only ordered an hour ago... :ill:
I´m just downloading :)


I started downloading without freedownloadmanager. Now I installed the downloadmanager. What should I do now? How can I transfer this download in the manager? Just copying link?

So they sent you an email with the passcode? Still nothing in my inbox.
Haven't received a mail for the GOGs yet, but I think the Slate team has enough to do for now so I'll keep waiting a few days

Just doing my part:

from the wav/gog email i received:
You are free to post on the forums that you received the wav/gog downloads but if you do, please make sure to mention that this is a staggered process to maintain fast servers so nobody feels left out or forgotten :)

I'm sure you'll still get the mail.
downloading the Wav/Gogs now. STILL cant get EX_001 working, and thats actually the most important part for me, as i usually work with just midi. The wav and gogs will defenently be more useful in the future.
Oh man... I am CERTAIN that the Metal Toms are on Evangelion... because I am getting really close to that tom sound :D

Holy fuck, I wish I would have bought these earlier... I am LOVING the drum sound I am getting.
By now, our support is completely up to date on emails. If you haven't received an email back from a support inquiry, resend it because we don't see it on our end. We are working around the clock to accomdate people.

I can say for sure that the best step for people having issues is
Thanks very much Steven, again. I sent a message out to you via email with a few follow up questions, but wanted to say, your digital and proaudio lines are looking absolutely spectacular! I think I am in love with The Dragon!
By now, our support is completely up to date on emails. If you haven't received an email back from a support inquiry, resend it because we don't see it on our end. We are working around the clock to accomdate people.

I can say for sure that the best step for people having issues is

You are the best and have built a lifelong customer. Look forward to future products.

Hey Slate
Are you able to tell us when we should be expecting the .wav GOG Email? I Emailed support about it and got a message back saying you will get them ASAP but I was wondering if ASAP means soon or a few more days. I don't mean to be a dick about it or anything I just see that other people have them or are downloading them, I just want to know how much longer before its my turn lol. Cheers :kickass:
By now, our support is completely up to date on emails. If you haven't received an email back from a support inquiry, resend it because we don't see it on our end. We are working around the clock to accomdate people.

I can say for sure that the best step for people having issues is

Thanks for the quick responses by your staff. Nevertheless I'm still where I started. I had already sent 2 emails to audiomidi (who haven't replied) when I turned to your support, to ask about the delay (1 week and still no passcode). I received this email from your support

"That's WAY too long. Sorry about this but only Audio Midi has access to that info. Keep hammering them andrhey should e able to look it up."

So I wrote audiomidi a 3rd email, this time from my other email address in case my first is getting blocked for some reason. Guess what? Nothing...again. I might as well write an email to Santa Claus :bah: