one question in my download links i only see

where can i get the .gog or .wav files?

Just a heads up for the folks that recently purchased Steven Slate EX "no-brainer", is currently offering the EX Expansions for only $30.00 each.

Make sure you use a referal name (mine is DevlinSP) when purchasing so both of us can get some epointz towards future downloadable products.

Steven Slate Drums EX Expansion: Metal And More

Steven Slate Drums EX Expansion: Essential Rock/Pop Volume 1

Steven Slate Drums EX Expansion: Essential Rock/Pop Volume 2

Steven Slate Drums EX Expansion: Essential Rock/Pop Volume 3

Steven Slate Drums EX Expansion: Rock Classics

Remember to use a referal name - mine is DevlinSP
Just a heads up for the folks that recently purchased Steven Slate EX "no-brainer", is currently offering the EX Expansions for only $30.00 each.

Make sure you use a referal name (mine is DevlinSP) when purchasing so both of us can get some epointz towards future downloadable products.

Steven Slate Drums EX Expansion: Metal And More

Steven Slate Drums EX Expansion: Essential Rock/Pop Volume 1

Steven Slate Drums EX Expansion: Essential Rock/Pop Volume 2

Steven Slate Drums EX Expansion: Essential Rock/Pop Volume 3

Steven Slate Drums EX Expansion: Rock Classics

Remember to use a referal name - mine is DevlinSP

Thats cool and all but unless Slate is offering the gogs and/or wavs for those, it seems a lot of people would get no extra benefit from the additional EX. Or am I missing something, is there something on the page that says wavs & gogs are included when you purchase one of these. Even if there is, after the last incident with audiomidi, I'd be a little hesitant
Thats cool and all but unless Slate is offering the gogs and/or wavs for those, it seems a lot of people would get no extra benefit from the additional EX. Or am I missing something, is there something on the page that says wavs & gogs are included when you purchase one of these. Even if there is, after the last incident with audiomidi, I'd be a little hesitant

First off - this is not audioMIDI - it's

Second, even if it does not contain the gog/wav files which I'm unsure off, it gets you the kits in kontakt format - I think a bunch of folks want the metal and more ex pack?
First off - this is not audioMIDI - it's

Second, even if it does not contain the gog/wav files which I'm unsure off, it gets you the kits in kontakt format - I think a bunch of folks want the metal and more ex pack?

I know its not audiomidi ... I think you may have mistook my tone

what I was saying is that even if a site thats offering these (any site) were to say the gog/wavs were part of it, it took a while after for us to find out they actually weren't included

since it became a rather big deal for a lot of people here that the gogs/wavs were not originally part of the deal, I think asking about these particular offers is pretty legitimate
I know its not audiomidi ... I think you may have mistook my tone

what I was saying is that even if a site thats offering these (any site) were to say the gog/wavs were part of it, it took a while after for us to find out they actually weren't included

since it became a rather big deal for a lot of people here that the gogs/wavs were not originally part of the deal, I think asking about these particular offers is pretty legitimate

I agree with the wav/gog issue as I bought EX back when it was a given that they were included and I had assumed they would be included on further purchases of an upgradable product. I quite frankly think it is not right for Slate to not keep them as available for something that was an expandable product that originally included them.

Hover, that said - the deal for EX packs for $30.00 is still a great deal for getting the Kontakt kits. As for what kits - I have Metal and More, and Rock/Pop 3.
Just a heads up for the folks that recently purchased Steven Slate EX "no-brainer", is currently offering the EX Expansions for only $30.00 each.

Make sure you use a referal name (mine is DevlinSP) when purchasing so both of us can get some epointz towards future downloadable products.

Steven Slate Drums EX Expansion: Metal And More

Steven Slate Drums EX Expansion: Essential Rock/Pop Volume 1

Steven Slate Drums EX Expansion: Essential Rock/Pop Volume 2

Steven Slate Drums EX Expansion: Essential Rock/Pop Volume 3

Steven Slate Drums EX Expansion: Rock Classics

Remember to use a referal name - mine is DevlinSP

Just ordered Metal & More Jind and put you as a referal thanks for the heads up !

If anyone wants to share the love and put me as a referal my username is neilhester

Thanks all !!

I emailed in last night after finally getting my auth codes in, no response from support yet. BUT I'm sure they're swamped, and they did say they are staggering responses so I'll wait another 12-24 hours before following up. I'm tracking drums for a band this weekend so I cannot wait to give these a whirl!
So if you order these expansions you can get the gogs and wavs as well?

As was stated above, this is still an unanswered question that has been on the table for several days. I've asked several times and others have sent email as to whether they include gog/wav files and Steven has yet to respond - I'm sure he is busy, but hopefully we will get an answer soon.
does this whole thing annoy anyone else who payed over $300 for SSD Platinum?

a large chunk of the same sounds for only $20?


now every single person who wasn't already using SSD will be.

I guess that's what Slate wanted.
does this whole thing annoy anyone else who payed over $300 for SSD Platinum?

a large chunk of the same sounds for only $20?


While I imagine it does - it's just a sign of the times my friend, a sign of the times. Lately so many things that used to cost a pretty penny have hit the discount bin and it's probably the course that many will have to follow to get sales in this day and age.