slayers best album

I always hated that term "it Rocks" and somehow it don't fit a extreme metal band like Slayer lol ... my first Slayer album was RIB so it has a special meaning to me ...
For me its Reign In Blood closely followed by Show No Mercy, with an honorable mention to the very evil Hell Awaits. Its funny, when i was younger i used to really love Seasons and Divine but i find them to be too slick now. I prefer the more raw evil Slayer.
Hell Awaits is the heaviest Slayer album of all. Songs are kinda long, but at least not 30 seconds like some tracks on Reign in BLood.
Slayer is the hardest workin Metal band of all time IMO , I know they come to the Pac NW about 3 times a favorite Slayer is ..Show No Mercy & Reign In Blood ! from the 1st time I seen Slayer in 1986 to last time 2004 ..still badass ..always will be :worship:
South of Heaven, Seasons in the Abyss, God Hates us all! Many people will disagree about GHUA but that is a fucking solid album. Next would probably Hell awaits, then reign in blood, then maybe haunting the chapel or show no mercy. Followed by DIM. I think Divine intervention sucks (apart from dittohead) even though Slayer are my favourite band.
Show No Mercy is so fukken classic but Hell Awaits(with the bonus Haunting the Chapel and Captor of Sin trax) sounds so nasty and violent - no qualms with production or filler trax from my quarter..
TheSlayer said:
South of Heaven, Seasons in the Abyss, God Hates us all! Many people will disagree about GHUA but that is a fucking solid album.

I thought it was pretty good. I didn't think it was great, but I think a lot of the bashing is exagerated. There is a bit of "Nu-Metal" type production and riffage, but it's acceptable, IMHO. Overall, I think it's a pretty good album.
I think GHUA was pretty decent as well. Those guys take to long to record new material. That record was released on 9/11/01. Ironic isn't it? I remember going to buy it that day and thinking how fucked up it actually was.
SavaRon said:
I think GHUA was pretty decent as well. Those guys take to long to record new material. That record was released on 9/11/01. Ironic isn't it? I remember going to buy it that day and thinking how fucked up it actually was.

Yeah, so was Dream Theater's "Live Scenes" which has the picture of the twin towers in flames on it (later replaced). I have the original pressing and it's somewhat creepy.
Electronicoil said:
I thought it was pretty good. I didn't think it was great, but I think a lot of the bashing is exagerated. There is a bit of "Nu-Metal" type production and riffage, but it's acceptable, IMHO. Overall, I think it's a pretty good album.

Nu metal!! No way!!! I think the word you're looking for is Metalcore, but there's barely a hint of that! I think it sounds heavier and kinda fuller because the guitars are louder and more distorted. And Araya kinda screams.