Sleeping music!

While listening to the following discs I've fallen asleep at least once :D

Anathema - Serenades
Empyrium - anything
My Dying Bride - 34,788...% Complete
Of the wand & the moon - Nighttime Nightrhymes
Ulver - Kveldssanger
Anything by Katatonia (save maybe a couple of tracks here and there) bores me into near unconciousness. Once upon listening to Discouraged Ones, I nearly drowned in my own drool. Fortunately, Jonas' unsettling disonance (nice way of saying he doesn't quite ever hit the notes on that album) woke me from my, well, catatonia as it were.
Now I ask myself, is this a good or bad thing? Like Tool being pescribed for insomnia!

Being able to fall asleep while you listen to a special album doesn't necessarily imply it's a "bad" one - unless you are found snoring everytime :)
Actually I appreciate cds with soothing qualities, as I always want "my" music to do something with(in) me, to steer and stir emotions. By listening to music I often try to channelize my momentary feelings and that sometimes leads into deep sleep when calm or monotonous sounds diminish my inner turmoils.
I don't wanna miss my anti-insomnia-albums :)

Fortunately, Jonas' unsettling disonance [...] woke me from my, well, catatonia as it were.

Used to be a lot of NIN, now I find I use Pink Floyd a lot. Otherwise, I pass out in front of the TV. I have no life. :cry:

I CAN fall asleep to really anything, but I'd have it turned so low that it wouldn't matter (apartment building).

Oh, I used Tom Waits for a few months.
Sorry, that was an accident, I accidently hit "tab" then enter so it subimtted it. I am going to add some more...

Opeth- My Arms, Your Hearse
Ulver- Bergtatt
Dimmu Borgir- For all Tid
Summoning- Stronghold
Emperor- IX Equilibrium (event though its pretty chaotic, I love to sleep to it...)
Anything by Korn, soulfly or Limp Bizkit. Sends me to sleep right away. :lol:

Actually, i must mention dead can dance... Anyone into strange instruments (...Am reminded of the tea partyr over that comment) and strange eastern music mixed with western music....!