smyth influenced metal band here....


Martriden K
Jan 8, 2004
Spokane WA.
Hullo people....

I hope you don't mind me plugging my own band here. I need to just try and spread the word as much as I can. Tryign to get as many people as I can to check out my band's music. Nevermore + Steve are a huge influence on us and we appreciate the inspiration so much, just hoping Steve and his fans could take the time to check out our music...

2 songs are available at and of course there's the links in my signature. brother Shane...plays guitar..and Steve should give him lessons. :lol:

Hey The Drip!
Thank you for confirming that indeed, there is Metal in Montana!:lol: :rock:
Sounds pretty good, and thanks for sharing on here man!
And, let your brother know, in the next month, I'll be starting my internet lesson program, if he's interested!:rock: :rock: :rock:
ssup dude,
I will check out your band as soon as i get to a computer with speakers at home (i'm at a hotel now).
Anyway steve, I think i'm gonna take some lessons from you (if you wish of course) in october/november. I'll let you know when you open the thing.
LOL. there's a few of us stragglers here in cowtown that love us some metal.

I'll definately get my brother that info...he's our guitar player.
JBroll said:
Dude, he can be a fucking whore, if I can afford it I\\\'m not leaving the room.

dude, there are other people waiting in line to see the light!!!!!
On topic, i checked out drip\\\'s band, it is pretty kick ass. Keep it up.
btw what guitar amp is the guitarist using to get that tone?
peavy 5150?

my constructive criticism:
throw a little lead in the soft part of the in death we burn, cause to me it sounds a little empty, otherwise is good. The solos are good, and because of that i would add a little more of them, but not more than 2 or 3 for a song, so you don\'t drift in the yngwie wannabe scene.
my 2 cents.
Kickass nontheless:kickass: :rock: