Snow in the land of ProgPower

Part of the reason they close schools is because we are not prepared--we do not have the snow-clearing equipment, etc., that cities in colder climes have (what, spend all that money to use it once every year or so?).

Yep. The Georgia DOT -does- have plow equipment and sanders, but nowhere near enough, and few (if any) local municipalities do. (Not sure about counties, but if Barrow County has more than one or two plow trucks I'd be amazed. :))

Back during one of our infamous "SnowJams" (i.e., we got like 3 inches of snow), the DOT was able to plow about two lanes of I-85 in each direction -- on a freeway that has 5 lanes.

They really don't like to plow, either, because when they do, all those cool lane-marking reflectors that are glued to the pavement...pop off. :goggly:

And that's not counting stupid people. I saw one car on 400 this morning (boy was traffic light--I'm guessing a lot of people laid out) with snow completely covering the back glass. Come on, folks, practically all you had to do was look at it hard and it would slide off. :P

I saw a car rolling up I-85 last night with the rear window completely obscured, and kept hoping a cruiser would pull him (or her) over, since driving with the back window fully obscured is technically illegal.

Then my friend showed up at the house a little later, and HE hadn't cleared his back window either! :erk:

Most people's IQ drops to about 12 when driving in snow. And it never amazes me how many people feel the need to go to the store and stock up on 3 gallons of milk when we only get a light dusting.

Hey, I resemble that remark!...but only because Kroger had a bunch of stuff on sale 10 for $10. (Not milk, though.) :lol:
Short answer: we don't try. :lol:

My driveway is a short, straight slope down to my garage, at about a fifteen degree grade. There's no way I want to take my car onto it with any kind of icing or slippery stuff on it, because it'd be easy for it to slide right into the house. Ooops! Then my street is a long, curving hill out to the "main" road, so if it's slippery, I'll call in to work and say honestly "no can do." (We always seem to be open no matter what the weather. :( )
so more snow is slowly moving in for this weekend. i SWEAR i cant understand why people need bread and milk. well, in alabama we get buttermilk instead actually. but serious. the store was packed with folks getting bread and milk. what about orange juice and porno?
that's what i normally go for...and buttermilk.
ok, perhaps im giving TMI...
hope all you southerners like me can hunker down tonite and tomorrow.
DAMN, im supposed to go see DOWN tomorrow...anyone here care to drive me in snow?
Wow! I know that snow down there isn't normal. We got about 4 inches at my house in PA and the roads were somewhat covered (even after plowing), but I'm used to it. I just don't like the other idiots on the road. I actually can have fun driving in it. Growing up in Baltimore, I used to take my car to an abandoned parking lot and let it rip! I got very used to knowing how a car would respond in that kind of weather.

On that note, I've been up here all my life and HATE this kind of weather. I'm either retiring down south or out west! An Atlanta winter would seem like a dream to me! ;)
so more snow is slowly moving in for this weekend. i SWEAR i cant understand why people need bread and milk. well, in alabama we get buttermilk instead actually. but serious. the store was packed with folks getting bread and milk. what about orange juice and porno?
that's what i normally go for...and buttermilk.
ok, perhaps im giving TMI...
hope all you southerners like me can hunker down tonite and tomorrow.
DAMN, im supposed to go see DOWN tomorrow...anyone here care to drive me in snow?

Ha...I live in Cherokee County GA, just north of Atlanta (the very outskirts of the "metro" area) and these people here went absolutely batshit over about an inch of snow that melted a few hours laters. I had to go to the store for a few things and it was packed...this is within about 45 minutes of snow actually starting to fall. I overheard an old man actually say he "needed to get all his food now before we get snowed in." Absolutely nuts. I don't think anyone in Georgia has been "snowed in" since the last ice age.

Tomorrow afternoon we're supposed to get a few inches up here, so I expect people will go insane and have seizures or something.
Sorta funny story... Myself and a friend just drove up from Chicago to UP Michigan/Northern WI for some skiing. I have to laugh thinking about snow related issues in the south, because it's a way of life for so many.(not me thankfully) But... after a nice day session at Whitecap in WI, we headed toward Indianhead(UP MI) and foolishly/stubbornly took some back roads. We ended up crashed into a snow bank(in an all-wheel drive Suburu) somewhere way off any map on some old logging road. After about 2 hrs trying to dig ourselves out and another 3 waiting for a tow truck to find us and he finally gave up, we had to call 911. They had to direct my call to a regional 911 distpatch to satellite trace my phone call and still only had a remote idea of where we were stranded. Finally, after about 7 hrs they found us and towed us out.

Thanks for listening.
Gotta love the timing of this thing..... the one day I planned to stand outside the Tabernacle after the Killswitch Engage show and promote for my 2/1 show and the C2C show, it snows, then rains, then sleets, and all the flyers and CD stick together, and I lost all feeling in my fingers.... well, I don't know if looking like a freezing, drowning kitten helped or hurt the cause, but hell, I actually loved every minute of it because people coming out of the show were sympathetic, it was for a good cause -- and having HW's Kris doing this with me also made it much more fun. Lots of GA peeps still braved the weather to come out for a show, which was nice to see.

Plus, I'd gotten bread and milk a couple days before, so I could drive by and nyah-nyah at the long lines at the Publix checkout :P

I think I'll sit tomorrow's storm out, though. Cocoa, anyone? :)
VA/MD/DC's event on Thursday wasn't too bad; I live further west in VA, out near Dulles Airport... It was all rain driving from work.. then the further west I got, it became sleet... But I tell ya when i hit Rt 7 - half dollar sized flakes were falling and sticking and piling up quickly...

thankfully I was on the road around fellow drivers who weren't stupid and drove accordingly.. We saw the SUVs down in the medians because they drove to fast or the cars that were smashed from hitting the guard rails...

And I think we're getting another inch or two today.. no biggie...

Just be thankful ya don't live further North - I have a pal in Montreal and they don't get inches, they get feet...
We here in El Paso, which for some that don't know, are on a high desert plateau, 3,562ft above sea level. Our weather is the screwiest in the nation, in summer we may have temps that reach the 110 degree mark and above, and in winter go as low as -10 with snow. Some days there may be a 50 degree change in temps from morning to mid afternoon. Just this past Nov, in fact the day after Thanksgiving we had 13 inches of snow, and two days later it was 65 degrees. Now you talk about non-drivers, just wait till it rains here which is very infrequent, average rainfall here in a year is roughly about 11 inches, which normally hits us in July and Aug. In Aug of 2006 we had over 26 inches in a one week period that washed away parts of the city and damaged over 1/2 the homes and businesses here(my Home included $20,000 in damage as determined by my insurance company), but we repaired it for less than 10K. When it rains here there are always more than 100 accidents a day reported, and they say over 100 unreported.
The freakiest weather we have ever had was July 6, 1980 we awake to 80 degree summertime weather, 4 hours later it was 31 degrees and snowing(3 inches) two hours later it was back up to 94 degrees and raining (1 inch) Hight temp that day 101, low 31, 3 inches of snow and 1 inch of rain, try planning for that.
I live halfway down a gully, and it's a pretty steep grade coming down from the top. Even people who grew up in Michigan hate and loathe trying to drive down my street when it's just snowed. I'm amazed that there haven't been any cases of bumper cars, the way you can slide on the way down, sometimes almost horizontally. Baltimore plows the main roads, but it doesn't bother with the residential roads - it just salts, which does almost no good, because we'll end up with consecutive patches of twenty feet of sorta-clear road and twenty feet of melted-snow-frozen-back-into-ice.