So america is gonna get bombed

If you don't like it here, why don't you move to Iraq? I'm sure they'll be happy to give you an education, a nice place to live, and an open forum to cry like a baby. :p
First off, there isn't a war... yet...

If he's still producing bio-chem weapons, AND trying to hide them from us.... hell yes.

Iraq needs a new leader, can we all agree on that?

But Napalm saying that we're whining about the Columbia crew? He can go fuck himself.
yes, Iraq needs a new leader, and why why would several thousands of people have to pay for a madman's decisions?

and fuck the columbia crew, they are all dead.
It's a sad thing when anyone dies doing a respectable job.... Mocking those that would care for them is pretty fucked up and disrespectful.

I don't know you, and if one of your family members died, I won't mock or insult you if you showed your grief here.

And as for the War (that may not even happen) with Iraq, I can't say for sure it's the right thing, but it's definitely not wrong.

Saddam needs to be replaced, and if innocent people have to die, that's horrible, but necessary.

So YOU don't want us to bomb them, but you don't mind Saddam taking all the Humanitarian relief (i.e. medical supplies and food, etc) that's been sent to the Iraqi citizens, and letting them starve and die, so him and his military can be strong and prepared?

So, you don't give a shit about American lives, yet you're whining about Iraqi lives? You see the contradiction in what you're saying?

I just wanna say I am so sorry for all those shuttle crew family members who have lost their loved ones. It just goes to show you never know what is going to happen tomorrow, do you?

As for the war, Im not really in favour of it, I personally think Saddam is not as much of a threat as some of the other sick twisted people in the world. If the war happens, there are going to be a lot of casualties, male female, young, old and from all races and walks of life. Im sure there are people in Iraq who dont want this war to happen, and who dont support Saddams regimes, as there are in all countries. In the end, it seems to be 3 people who are hellbent on making this happen, and they are the 3 people with perhaps the most protection from chemical and nuclear fallout... so as I see it, they can go ahead and play their wargames, in the end no one is going to get hurt, except their lapdogs and innocent people.

But hey, this is a bit depressing for a saturday morning aint it? Lets just keep our fingers crossed that an amicable solution is reached sometime soon.

Mrs Biatch :Shedevil: xxxx
BTW, Saddam has over 20 Presidential "palaces" that cost many millions a peice, while the average Iraqi suffers from malnutrition and poverty.

You think America's priorities are screwed up? Saddam needs to go, and Iraq needs to recover from the many years of his inhumane dictatorship.

The whole biological and chemical weapons potential to reach us, or any other non-muslim country is there and needs to be eliminated. Just right now, the proof, while I believe it's genuine and not fabricated like the Iraqis say, isn't strong enough.

Saddam's whole bait and switch way of deceving the UN Inspectors is a game he's had a decade to refine... So, it's no wonder they're having a hard time accounting for the chemicals and equipment they tagged and listed the first time around...

Of couse if all those missing ingredients had been destroyed, Saddam would be throwing proof in the UN's face, which obviously he's not.
He is a threat just like any person or group doing what he is doing. Alot of people say there is not going to be a war, which I hope there isn't, but no one thought what happened Sept 11, 2002 would ever happen but it did. If a war happens then it happens. Yes there will be innocent lost lives but look at all the lives that are being lost as we speak because of what Saddam is doing in Irag to the people who live there. There are people willing to put their lives on the line to stop him and to help those over there that can't help themselves. America has to do what it has to do and people are going to die. I have to personally realize that due to the fact that my lil brother is in the military and sits and waits for that call that he has to go. And IF that day happens Ill be sad but damn proud of him just like I was of my other 2 brothers and of my father who fought in Nam.
I don't really want to get into this on this forum, since I deal with my "anti-American" views in my civics class every day, but I guess I can say a few things.

America is not in Iraq because of weapons or the way Iraq treats its people. America is there because Iraq is rich in oil and refuses to just give it to America for free. As for America being bombed, I live near the chemical field in WV which is one of the top 10 places to be attacked and I say let them come. It's war, people die. Deal with it, folks. I can't say I'm against being bombed either. I think it would be interesting to see how the "Holy Romamerican Empire" would deal with it.

September 11 was a wake up call. It made a lot of blind pride Americans realize that they aren't invincible. Smacked some arrogance off the face of Captain America. But I'll leave that subject alone.

From a recent poll, 35% of the American population support war in Iraq. If we go to the war, is that our new 'democracy'? I say it's an act of a tyrant? By the people, for the people my ass.
Meh, it'll be a quick war. Bush'll send in the troops, get tired of playing games, then send in the REAL invasion. Can you say 'DIE BITCH?!", cause that's what the person who drops the Nuke on Iraq will be thinking.

Originally posted by Sonnenritter
As for America being bombed, I live near the chemical field in WV which is one of the top 10 places to be attacked and I say let them come. It's war, people die. Deal with it, folks. I can't say I'm against being bombed either. I think it would be interesting to see how the "Holy Romamerican Empire" would deal with it.

Heh. Yup. Funny, because I live about 50 miles away from Oak Ridge, TN, and that's a big Nuclear plant, which would also be a big target (probably).
I'm going to laugh my ass off when all the tree hugging hippies of this country find out that the oil is going to the Iraqi people. If Iraq is SO rich in oil, then why did they invade Kuwait?

PEOPLE! WE GET MIDDLE EAST OIL FROM KUWAIT AND THE SAUDIS! THEY ARE OUR ALLIES, AND WE DON'T NEED TO STEAL SOME OTHER COUNTRY'S OIL! Wake up. Kuwait is FAR richer in oil resources than Iraq, so where does this leave you now? I'll tell you what's going to happen....

It's just like the evidence. EVERYONE was skeptical, and swore up and down that we had no evidence. We showed the evidence, and WE HAVE MORE EVIDENCE...however, it's highly classified and we would be unable to de-classify it at this time. What did this do? All the skeptics have climbed on board, with the exception of France and Germany. It's kind of a "THERE! THERE'S YOUR DAMN EVIDENCE! NOW PUT YOUR FUCKING MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS AND ANTE UP!" attitude.

So, when you see the oil being distributed among the Iraqi people and government to help bring up new leaders and a new system of government, will you climb on board, or will you still be watching from the sidelines with your thumbs up your asses and heads in the sand?

This is what irritates me; EVERYONE has an opinion, but about 99% of those opinions can't be backed up by facts. It's all what YOU THINK and what YOU FEEL. Do you mean to tell me that you KNOW FOR A FACT that the U.S. government is going to just rape and pillage Iraq for it's oil, and leave the Iraqi people to their misery? This country is a wonderful country; you can say anything you want at any time, and that's the best thing about free speech. However, with free speech comes with the lack of a "dumbass filter", i.e., people who watch the news and think they know what's going on in the world.

Some of you need a reality check; no one really gives a shit about your opinion, nor do they really give a shit about you. That's the reality of the world we live in, just like what I'm typing now; it doesn't mean jack shit. However, that's what free speech doesn't matter if anyone cares. Personally, I don't want to be that guy; the guy who thinks he knows everything about this country, how it works, it's motivations, it's conspiracies, etc. However, I see "those guys" over and over every day, especially here on this board. People so sure of themselves and sure that they know exactly what this country is about...while they go to school on mommy and daddy's budget, drive the car they bought for them, and work at Outback Steakhouse as a part-time job for cash flow. Yeah, you're really in the know.

Truth is this: if you are not intimately involved in government or military affairs, you have no idea what's REALLY going on in the world. Period. It's so sad, and it's not the average person's fault; it's the media. The media only shows you what will get ratings, never the whole story. If you watch CNN, you might as well be watching's one in the same. EVERYONE is biased. EVERYONE. You are basing your opinions on WHAT YOU SEE AND HEAR THROUGH THE MEDIA, not actual experience. This isn't aimed at any one person. just a few of the lame posts I've seen in the past months. The point is this: you are entitled to an opinion, and you have the freedom to express that opinion. But usually that opinion is non-factual...hence, an OPINION. Have you ever walked down the street in Kuwait? Do you know how much those people adore Americans? They have "runners" that we call, and they will get you ANYTHING YOU WANT....ANYTHING. You tell them you want a bacon double cheeseburger with curly q fries and a vanilla milkshake, and they'll find it....if they can't find it, they'll cook it for you themselves. We saved their families and people from absolute genocide, they are more than happy to do something as trivial as finding you something to eat. I bet you CNN never told you about that when they showed all that news coverage of possible terrorist attacks in Kuwait.

People are sheep. We are the shepherds. We protect the sheep from harming themselves, and each other. You don't have a choice in what is releaseable information to you. You are basing your opinions off of information that is only half true, and basically, you are being told what to think. That is the down and dirty to all of this. Once you realize this, you will be more open to other suggestions and possibilities. But realize that unless you have a direct need to know from the U.S. government, your opinions that you so highly defend, and are entitled to defend, are pretty much bogus. On to another point.

I'm not about to sit here and say that the United States is going to pour billions into deploying to the Great Sandbox in preparation for a possible war, WHICH IS NOT CERTAIN, and not get some sort of reparations to offset the cost. I don't know for certain, so take this for what it's worth because this is just another baseless opinion, just like I was speaking about, and is basically just my personal thoughts. I'm sure that if it comes to war, and we oust Saddam, we'll enter into some sort of trade agreement or some type of reparations for the freedom of the Iraqi people. BUT I CAN SAY THIS FOR A FACT. THIS CONFLICT HAS NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH FUCKING OIL. The people who say it is are in no position to take such a stance. However, I don't think that this means they are "anti-American" just because they have a differing opinion. If anything, they are typical American; free to say whatever it is they want to say when they want to say it. People who call others anti-American simply because they disagree with their opinion piss me off more than the people they are calling anti-American. If you want to REALLY know what's going on in the world, turn OFF your television. Turn OFF your radio. GO TO THESE PLACES. SEE FOR YOURSELF. Judge for yourself, and don't be told what and how to judge.

One last thing, most people seem to get wrapped around the axle about how they can't understand why we would fight to protect people in our country who spit on us and talk shit to us. We don't protect those people. We protect those people's RIGHT to spit and talk shit. I protect my family and my friends. I could give a fucking shit about what happens to some dickhole who gives me shit for being in the military. They could fuckin die for all I care, but I'll die to protect their right to feel the way they do. It's a matter of principle; something many people have no clue about today. WE DON'T HAVE TO LIKE IT, WE JUST HAVE TO DO IT. Wake up.