So does anyone here not actually drink?

Yeah I know. $4.99- that's ridiculous. Well, The End will start having the latest issues of Unrestrained for sale and they don't charge shipping. I asked Andreas from The End if they would be getting Terrorizer. He said they had contacted Terrorizer but nothing is settled yet. Lets hope it gets settled.
Terrorizer is terrible about return emails. I've contacted them about subscription information, but I never get a reply. They have no system set up for a secure CC transaction. So I was wondering if they could take a paypal transaction. Yes or no was all the answer I needed. Stuck up British bastards!
I emailed Terrorizer once and didn't get a reply for 2 months. When they finally did reply, I had forgotten what I contacted them about. I think it's around $50-$60 for a year subscription. Way too much for me.

I'll stick to my FHM Mag subscription. $10 for a year, plus lots of hot chicks.
I drink every once in a while, maybe just a few times a year...but when your dad is an alcoholic you really don't feel like drinking much. Cause whenever I do drink I am reminded of my dad and that makes me not drink as much.
I used to drink a lot at the end of high school and begining of college. Not very often. Couple times a month, but when I did... well,I'll just say that I know from experience that "blind drunk" is not just a figure of speech. I had a lot of fun and don't regret it one bit.

For a while, I stopped almost totally, mostly because I didn't feel like it anymore and had no social life. Now, I have some beers once or twice a week. I'm always open to having a Guiness. Usually I have a couple at practice and before shows, as I play better when relaxed a bit. I had to stand in for our singer last show, my first time singing in front of people, and actually got pretty drunk. A bit of stage fright, even though there were like 20 people there.
I don't see why people dislike alcohol so much. As long as you keep your drinking in check and don't act like a pompous ass, then there is no problem.
It actually took me a long time to even touch alcohol. it wasn't till the very end of college, i would do the occassional go out to the bars with friends. at shows, i'll never touch alcohol because i actually would like to remember the show and enjoy the music.

other than that i'll probably go out once a month or so just to get a slight buzz, as i have a weakness for margaritas..
this weekend however for the first time I drank so much that it made me puke.
i actually got me and my friends kicked out of the diner as i had trouble holding back the puke on my way from the table to the bathroom. that was a first for me...
its kinda funny hearing afterwards about all the shit that you did while drunk but don't remember. as i was told i repeatedly kept telling my boyfriend how much i love him and i'm going to marry him some day... but once the room started spinning that shut me right up... ugh i don't think i ever want to do that again...
Originally posted by xenophobe

Too many firends in comas, traction, in intensive care, wrapped around trees, etc...

Shit, sorry to hear that bro. Yeah I drink, but I know when to stop, or when not to drink, etc. I've had bad experiences with alcohol and weed, but I wouldn't discontinue them.
Originally posted by Wanderingblade
In my case, I don't like the taste of alcohol particularly..

This, and a couple other posts remind me of that Kids in the Hall Skit, "I was a Girl Drink Alcaholic" Anyone else see that? Pretty self explanitory, but this guy never drank because he didn't like the taste. One day he tries a huge girl drink, gets buzzed and becomes an alcaholic. There's this funny scene of him hiding in the closset at work with all of these bottles, a blender, fruits, etc.

So to those who don't even want to try it, why not?
Originally posted by Dvoters

Shit, sorry to hear that bro. Yeah I drink, but I know when to stop, or when not to drink, etc. I've had bad experiences with alcohol and weed, but I wouldn't discontinue them.

Yeah, well I knew when to stop, but too many friends didn't.... thanks for the kind words though...

I'm usually designated driver anyways. I'd rather be safe than sorry....
Originally posted by dill_the_devil

*cough* I'll take that as a tongue-in-cheek comment, mate... hehehe

That would be the correct way to take it.:spin:

I actually think Terrorizer is the best mag, by far. Unrestrained! is good, but 4 issues a year just doesn't cut it.