So heres a fucked up story...


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
I thought I had a guitar stolen 2 years ago at a show I played in another town. I didn't even think of it being stolen or anything until a couple months later, because of all the gear we were moving at the time...I figured it got covered up somewhere. After a few months, I started wondering and began to contact the bands we played with, asking if they knew of it's whereabouts. None of them did.

A couple of days ago, this guy from another town over hits me up on my myspace and says he has this guitar that he was pretty sure I could do justice for and wanted to trade me a motorcycle for it or something. He described it, and I was like "wtf? That sounds like mine!". So I conned him into telling me the s/n, since I still had the warranty card with the s/n on it: he told me. Sure enough, it was my axe.

I was still under the impression it was stolen, so before I said anything else to him about it, I called the cops in the town where it went missing to file a report (which I didn't do at first because it was months before I figured it got jacked, and the police don't exactly have a good track record of finding stolen stuff, IMO). They called the PD where this dude lives...those guys called the dude up and said it was reported as stolen. He was like "Oh shit, I didn't know! I'll just go bring it to him now!".

Come to find out, my axe sat in a venue in the town where the dude lives, which we played once, for over several months. This dude came in one day, after seeing it there over this period of time, and asked the bartender about it. BT said "Its been here for months, nobody has come to look for it. I'll sell it to you for $150 just to get it out of here". So he grabbed it...and held onto it for almost 2 years, as he is a lefty guitar player and it wasn't going to do him any good...he figured he'd get rid of it eventually.

He saw me play a few times, and admired my playing, so he figured he'd offer it to me first. He didn't even know he was offering me my own guitar! So, he brought it back to me last night. It's obviously been fondled (missing a lockdown screw for the nut, the DiMarzio click-lock strap is missing the main part of it, a screw in the pickguard is missing), but I got it back. My 1991 Ibanez RG750BK, which I brought with me as a backup to a show and got left back.

Now I'm only irritated as to why it got left behind. The one time we played there, I couldn't get the night off from work. They told me I could play the show but I had to come in when I was done. So literally after we stopped playing, I handed my gear off to my band and went to work 30 miles away. The dude who usually oversaw the equipment when I wasn't able to, who is no longer in the band anymore for reasons like this, tended to get a little off task whenever there was any offer of a party or whatever. I'm sure he was distracted for whatever reason and left it there.

So yeah...theres my story.
Thats pretty crazy stuff man !
Sounds like fate was / is in your favour over the axe too.

It must be cool to know that its back where it belongs now
No, I told him I didn't really have anything to offer him but some free cds when we record, as I'm destitute at the moment. He said not to worry about it, he's just glad he could get me my guitar back.
That's like when Zakk Wylde's first Bullseye fell off a truck and some guy found it, heard that he had lost it, and gave it back to him. How often do you get that lucky?
No, I told him I didn't really have anything to offer him but some free cds when we record, as I'm destitute at the moment. He said not to worry about it, he's just glad he could get me my guitar back.

wow seems like a really cool guy, all nice about it. You had SO much luck it ended in that dude's hands and not with some asshole who wouldn't be willing to give it back. About the money, well it was 2 years ago so I guess he figured it really isn't that much of a big deal to stress over
Thats so cool man!
With my luck it would have been returned to me with a broken neck or something! :lol:

That's like when Zakk Wylde's first Bullseye fell off a truck and some guy found it, heard that he had lost it, and gave it back to him. How often do you get that lucky?

I read that the guitar fell of a truck, and that Zakk spent a shitload of money trying to get it back(Hired people to look for it etc.), but eventually he gave up.
~3 years later this guy called Jerry Weisenger went in to a pawnshop because he saw this Bullseye guitar for like 250$, so he bought it and went home.
Then he decided to clean it and picked out the pickups, and the initials "Z.W." was carved in to the back, so he contacted Zakk's webmaster who relayed the information back to Zakk.
So Zakk got his guitar back, and the guy who found it got 2 Custom Shop Gibsons and a Marshall-stack signed by Zakk.. ive seen pictures of when they "traded" guitars, but i cant for the life of me remember where i found them.