so, i fucked up my toenail again (pics)

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
So, I was on the phone with Laura yesterday, when I let out an "OW!" She asked what happened, and I explained that I had just stubbed my little toe and the nail lifted up a little.. not too bad, but it hurt. I was walking around while talkin to her, and I stubbed my toe again.... I then decided to go sit down outside. I glanced at my foot for whatever reason, and the toe was bleeding. I informed her of my toely bleeding and I went to wash the toe... I then went back outside to sit down....

Fast forward to this morning. I just went to the bathroom to engage in the activity of bathing... in doing so, I stubbed my toe on the toilet. I look down, and the NAIL IS COMING OFF!



kinda blurry, but you get the idea
Stop stubbing your damn toe ya clutz! Haha. That is indeed pretty gross, it's a shame it has to come off!

I'm sorry for your loss :goggly:
Indeed. For a second there I though someone broke their steam shovel haha :D

And yea, a house that busy can really burn you out in the morning I would imagine :P
...Stop with the feet pictures.

Laura... do you have fingers as toes?
When I glanced at the title of this thread, I saw "so, I fucked my toenail again (pics)"
