so i got dragonforce today....


happiness is jagermiester
Jan 15, 2004
fuck dude i dont know what to think of this band, i mean they have some fuckin awesome chops and most of the songs are kickass, but there singer is kinda against my style, that being said i cant stop fuckin listening to the damn cd, and the intro riff for evening star sounds too fuckin familiar but i cant remember from where! all in all good band
Fuuuckin' A!

Dude, you hould chceck out their second album Sonic firestorm, it's like VOTD on speed when it comes to guitars
I've seen vids of them playing live and they are crazy.. jumping around all over the stage! I like their guitar.. but i have to agree the vocals are not great
They have the ebst live show of any band i have ever seen..

and Herman is wayy cooler than every other musician i have ever met.

he doesn't have this gay "i'm a star now" attitude like certain lead guiatrsits of certain bands.
yeah i have seen there live videos and those guys are nuts, and evening stars opening riff is from mr crowley dude! check it out!
i've got valley of the damned and sonic firestorm. they both fucking rule. I think you really are right though, it does sound really really similar to mr crowley.
i heard it and i kept thinking to my self that fuckin sounds familiar, woke up the next morning and just said "shit that was mr crowley!"
gavin you know these guys!? if you do thats fuckin badass, i got to get tabs for this shit now man, disciples of babylon is badass, hell the whole album is sick, im ordering sonic firestorm next week, whammy pedal abuse man!!!!
god i still get a kick outta that, i have a few of the videos of the solos they laid down in the studio, very sick!