What COBHC stuff you got?

Not that mutch..!
Something Wild!
Tokyo Warhearts
Follow The Reaper (Delux Edition)
Hatecrew Death Roll
Are You Dead Yet?!
Trash Lost & Strungout EP
Stockholm knockout (CD & DVD)

Hate Me!

Hatecrew Death Roll
Trashed Lost & Strungout

Follow The Reaper
Hatecrew Death Roll
Sleep Al Day, Party All Night Never grow old

Poster flags:
Follow The Reaper
Hate Crew Death Roll

Alexi miniatuur guitar

Last set. (on Metal Hammer, Allu is the one holding a green bottle at Kerry King's right)
i have that Metallian too :kickass: :lol:
Jim Dunlop Jazz III pick?

Yay, finally got my local store to order them. They ripp my wallet off (0'80€ a pick when normal ones come for 0'30-0'40), but those picks are great.

i have that Metallian too :kickass: :lol:


I got it last holidays (about 2 weeks ago, local holidays). I went to french alps, where I was suposed to spend the week skiing, but skiing with a broken arm is not a good idea, so I had loads of time to hang around, and I saw that mag and bought it. It was fun to try to understand what it said, :lol: I brought a DVD with me and that week I saw, in no particular order:

-Sonata Arctica's For The Shake Of Revenge
-Slayer's Still reigning
-Dream Theater's Studio DVD that came with Systematic Chaos
-The 5 Harry Potter films (only ones I had there, :lol:)
-Stone's Get Stoned Stay Stoned
-Arch Enemy's Bonus DVD that came with Rise Of The Tyrant
-Steve Vai's live at the Astoria

All with the extras and everything else (COB's twice, :lol:) in 5 days. I also read two 500+ pages books, :lol: It's great to have loads of free time, even though it'd have been better if I could have skied, :erk:

I got it last holidays (about 2 weeks ago, local holidays). I went to french alps, where I was suposed to spend the week skiing, but skiing with a broken arm is not a good idea, so I had loads of time to hang around, and I saw that mag and bought it. It was fun to try to understand what it said, :lol::

Lol, yeah, i know... me too... French is only my 3rd language so i don't understand everything either. But if i read it while thinking about what i'm actually reading i'll get there :goggly:.
Something Wild
Hatebreeder (Deluxe)
Tokyo Warhearts
Follow The Reaper (Deluxe)
Hate Crew Deathroll
Are you Dead Yet?
Stockholm Knockout

Blooddrunk (Enhanced)
Blooddrunk (original)

7Inch Lp (Blooddrunk)
12Inch Picture Disc (Blooddrunk) Clear rim

Children of bodom Hate Crew Deathroll (with lyrics on the back)

COBHC Hoodie

3 Metal hammer with bodom Interviews

Alexi ESP LTD Alexi 200

Poster Flags:

Keep in mind that i've Bought HCDR 4 Times, AYDY 3 times, FTR 3 Times because i've lost them on Roskilde-Festival several times!
Blooddrunk single
Stockholm Knockout Live
Are You Dead Yet?
Trashed, Lost & Strungout
Tokyo Warhearts
Follow The Reaper (Deluxe Edition)
Hatebreeder (Deluxe Edition)

Stockholm Knockout Live
Metal Hammer 166 - Hate Me!
Metal Hammer 155 - Are You Dead Yet?

Signed picture of Alexi with Jackson (white pins one), Roope with Jackson (white pins as well), group pic sign by all of the members, small poster with Blooddrunk single and a group pic framed with the ticket for Astoria gig, large poster (80*60) when they played in Croatia with the ticket for the gig framed.

Wristband COB Hatecrew with scythes
Hate Crew Finland T-shirt
Hate Crew Finland sleeveless shirt
Trahes, Lost & Strungout T-shirt
Blooddrunk T-shirt
Hate Crew Finland shorts (they are to big, gonna buy smaller)
COB Guitar & Scythe T-shirt
Hate Crew Deathroll T-shirt

And if you want to include the Jackson RR24 w/ J-50BC, Sinergy-To Hell And Back and Sinergy-Beware The Heavens CD's.

I think that's about it.