So, I just quit my job

free and poor. I'm supposedly starting my $17/hr, 40 hr/week job in Feb......

ouch... i hope they aren't dicking you around man. i think i remember you telling me that it was supposed to start in october, then november... now february? well, if it does happen, which hopefully they aren't just bullshitting you, it'll make up for the wait. that's a lot of money, and should be pretty awesome.
indeed. The whole problem with the time being pushed back was that I have to wait for someone to retire. 3 guys are retiring this year, and I'm 2nd in line to go in. it's definitely Feb. The benefits and money will definitely make up for waiting so long
Congrats on being broke. What do you do quit every job everytime someone makes you mad?? Good luck keeping your new $17.00 a hour job with that attitude.

Actually, the way the entire store is run is pretty shitty. The boss doesn't do anything but complain about the employees and does nothing to make them enjoy working there. If someone has a problem, he just says "I'll see what I can do", and does nothing but tells everyone else that you complain about something. Just about everyone there is childish, and does nothing to help anybody else out. Keep in mind that I am 19 years old, and the people that complain that I don't do my job are in their 50s and 60s. What kind of job might you have, may I ask? How old are you?
Wow -- so no more evil deli worker of doom? That's harsh. I don't know that I'd have quit over a psychotic customer, though. Those are really usually the best kind. You passed up some prime entertainment options right there.


Hope your new job is most awesometastic.
I did nothing! Everyone jokes around with each other, and I said nothing differently than I usually do.

...more Jesus and meat jokes?

Dude, get on a crash course for learning Arabic. I could line you
up with an $186K per year translation gig. You can keep the long hair ;)