So I stumbled across 'Pale Haunt' a few weeks ago...


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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...having never heard a note of NDs music. The many glowing, positive reviews inspired me to pick it up, on a whim.

And, I must say, this music is genius.

Now, to preface this, I'd like to state that most bands of this genre typically have little to offer, IMO. Well nothing new and original, IMO.

But this is just amazing music. Easily, the best release of 2005 so far (along with the great Glenn Hughes' 'Soul Mover' and PTree's 'Deadwing').

Tomorrow I shall be acquiring the last record, "Fade" (what's the exact name?).

Great stuff.
Hello, SoundMaster, thanks alot for posting with the compliments and all. Putting us up there with the new Glenn Hughes and Porcupine Tree (both of which I too very much enjoy) is a real honor. We've mentioned before that unfortunately being categorized as we tend to be (doom, doom/death, etc.) sometimes turns off people who aren't big fans of those genres, and it frustrates us because we personally don't think we fit just in those genres nor do we want to only cater to those kinds of fans, as you yourself have heard now with our latest cd. We have no desire to be some stagnant slow doom metal offense to those who find their pleasure in such things, more power to ya, but we like to branch out and explore new musical ground and we'll continue to do so! :) As much as I can bitch and moan sometimes about reviewers and critics, I'm glad that sometimes it does work to our benefit, such as in this case it did. Our last cd, "To Welcome The Fade" isn't quite as aggressive as "Pale Haunt...", it tends to be a bit more atmospheric and features some different elements, but hopefully you will still find it enjoyable (or at least some of it!) Let us know what you think about that cd, if and when you pick it up!

And to everyone else here, sorry to be Larry the spoil sport like usual, but even though we've announced that we MIGHT be closing down this forum eventually and switching over to the one at the ND official site, we have NO intentions of turning this forum into a fuck-all goof-fest, like some have suggested. I'm not saying we can't all still crack the usual jokes and silliness and all, but I just wanted to say this before it gets to the point where every thread that gets posted winds up with a dozen or more retarded comments for no reason. Don't make me get all Danny Cavanaugh on your asses LOFL.....
Wow hello again. I stumbled across a new forum through the ND site and couldn't log in anymore. Since today I have the option to choose between the " UMforum" and the " forum" wich is actually the one I can't log in to. Before today I didn't have the option to choose between two forum-links.

This is very weird and I wonder if anyone else had this problem. Anyway, I'm glad to be back on the forum, because I really thought that was it!!

Bye for now.
There's no reason I can see why you shouldn't be able to log into both forums, unless it's something weird going on with your computer. Quite a few people here have been logging into both forums and posting. And we certainly encourage people to continue to use this forum as well as the new one, so it's nothing on our end that's been done. I'm sure you know this but you do have to sign up and register a new name and password at the new forum though, you can't automatically just sign in there and post right away with your name and pw from here. I'm sure you already know that but just wanted to mention it.
Eh honestly Paul... I have no intention of registering at the new forum. Way I figure it is the sort of conversation you folks need to encourage the type of community you want isn't the style I've got time for. I mewan putting actual thought into posts = spending more than 2 mins replying to 15 threads!!!
About TPHD, I got it a couple of days ago, its a really good album, but it hasn't hit me like when I first listened to "TWTF", that is an really amazing record. I'll listen to TPHD to see if it grows on me. I can't wait to see you guys again in Toronto!
Sounds good Paul! I might sign up after all. We're getting a Mac next week so I've got a reason to use a computer again! FUCK WINDOWS!!!!
Well Paul... I'm only a Windows user because of this one certain special electrical outlet. I used it to charge my Ibook and shortly afterwards, the brick died. I thought it was the unit's time to go until today when the same outlet wreaked havoc with my cellphone.