When I came upon this nugget on some other messsage board, a reply to somebody who was having the same issue as me-
"ronjarzFebruary 15th, 2005, 12:41 AM
Alright, here's what's up...
We've got a 14 year old kid listening to tech/prog metal, and he obviously got the audio from a friend who copied it, or from somewhere on the net, because he's asking for the lyrics and they are printed all over the CD booklet.
As most of you know, I hate Napster, and all of the internet clones that rip off artists. BUT!!! I'm actually thinking of sending this kid a CD!! Gasp!! Why, because I'm rather disgusted at the state of technical/progressive music these days, and now here's a kid who could listen to whatever he wants to (including rap and hip-hop, and whatever garbage is out there now for kids), and he's choosing some wacky progressive technical music.
There are so many crap keyboard metal bands now that are basically taking over the genre that used to be "progressive metal'. How a 14 year old kid is into music like Spastic Ink I think is a damn good thing. Or hell, maybe I'm just being a pushover??
What do you guys think? Should I send this kid a CD?? Or hell, if he really wants it, he has to buy it, just like everybody else!! Damnit!!
Now, I don't want a free CD. But I think it's funny, because I would have never heard this band if not for a file sharing program. I DO intend on buying a CD or two of theirs now that I've heard the material. I first discovered these guys very recently at a Powertab site... I downloaded the Aquanet tab, because I'd heard the name Spastic Ink being thrown around, and I'm always looking for new bands.
I've never been so floored by a midi. Better yet, it had the lyrics, and since I knew the insane concept behind the CD, the lyrics were very interesting to me. Like something I'd write, only better. What sent me on a search for more lyrics was the urge to show a friend of mine how absurdly good these guys were, by giving a sample of the lyrics. If I had found the lyrics, that would have potenitially boosted the number of album sales due to free internet stuff to 3.
I'm not trying to spark a debate, or even a disagreement, I just figured I'd share since some of you may be interested. As I alluded to before, this band has astounded me so far, and I'm itching to go out and BUY Ink Compatible. Not just to read the lyrics. Spastic Ink seems so interesting to me because the music seems very close to something I would create myself if I had the means to do so. Unfortunatly, I don't know how I can get it on a microscopic budget (especially when I should be GIVING until January, according to Jesus).
"ronjarzFebruary 15th, 2005, 12:41 AM
Alright, here's what's up...
We've got a 14 year old kid listening to tech/prog metal, and he obviously got the audio from a friend who copied it, or from somewhere on the net, because he's asking for the lyrics and they are printed all over the CD booklet.
As most of you know, I hate Napster, and all of the internet clones that rip off artists. BUT!!! I'm actually thinking of sending this kid a CD!! Gasp!! Why, because I'm rather disgusted at the state of technical/progressive music these days, and now here's a kid who could listen to whatever he wants to (including rap and hip-hop, and whatever garbage is out there now for kids), and he's choosing some wacky progressive technical music.
There are so many crap keyboard metal bands now that are basically taking over the genre that used to be "progressive metal'. How a 14 year old kid is into music like Spastic Ink I think is a damn good thing. Or hell, maybe I'm just being a pushover??
What do you guys think? Should I send this kid a CD?? Or hell, if he really wants it, he has to buy it, just like everybody else!! Damnit!!
Now, I don't want a free CD. But I think it's funny, because I would have never heard this band if not for a file sharing program. I DO intend on buying a CD or two of theirs now that I've heard the material. I first discovered these guys very recently at a Powertab site... I downloaded the Aquanet tab, because I'd heard the name Spastic Ink being thrown around, and I'm always looking for new bands.
I've never been so floored by a midi. Better yet, it had the lyrics, and since I knew the insane concept behind the CD, the lyrics were very interesting to me. Like something I'd write, only better. What sent me on a search for more lyrics was the urge to show a friend of mine how absurdly good these guys were, by giving a sample of the lyrics. If I had found the lyrics, that would have potenitially boosted the number of album sales due to free internet stuff to 3.
I'm not trying to spark a debate, or even a disagreement, I just figured I'd share since some of you may be interested. As I alluded to before, this band has astounded me so far, and I'm itching to go out and BUY Ink Compatible. Not just to read the lyrics. Spastic Ink seems so interesting to me because the music seems very close to something I would create myself if I had the means to do so. Unfortunatly, I don't know how I can get it on a microscopic budget (especially when I should be GIVING until January, according to Jesus).