So I'm listening to the new BTBAM album

I'm listening to it and it just makes me laugh. It is definitely more experimental, but it reminds me in a way of a broadway show where everyone is singing and stuff, but all metaled up haha. I haven't heard too many epic moments either, but it's definitely an enjoyable listen.

The experimental parts seem to flow fairly well unlike Dream Theater as of late. They did pull an easy transition on Disease, Injury, Madness where they drop out and the bass comes in. Reminds me too much of the bad transitions in Black Clouds and Silver Linings and even some on Systematic Chaos. Lazy.

So far I like Colors more, but this is still pretty darn good.
and no, i'm not actually going to stop bitching until you guys admit that there's a difference between experimentation and self-indulgent bullshit and admit to me that between the buried and me are the latter.

This shit was funny 5 months ago. Now it's pretty much shows a lack of originality. You deserve a shot in the pills if this starts getting posted all over this forum.
This is very true, but they can also be completely seperate, as is the case here.
At any rate, compared to Francesco Fareri, the most "self indulgent" music BTBAM could make is pretty restrained.
This shit was funny 5 months ago. Now it's pretty much shows a lack of originality. You deserve a shot in the pills if this starts getting posted all over this forum.

Ha, tbh I dident post it to show originality (or be funny), it was just what popped into my head.
But yeah, im certainly not trying to start a 4chan trend in the more serious discussion .
Well, I wouldn't say it's self indulgent BS. It has a really neat genius to it to be honest. It is silly, but it's done so well that it isn't something that makes me sick of it and want to turn it off or just annoyed with it.

I mean, if you've ever seen a musical, you'd understand what I mean by it.

Dream theaters stuff lately though makes me want to punch myself. How'd they screw up a good thing?
I'm not hearing it either. All I can think of is it's the synth you're hearing? It doesn't sound like a violin to me though.

BTW, I'm now having a hard time figuring out which one I think is better, Colors or The Great Misdirect. There are some killer parts in both. Colors has a great and memorable ending, while TGM has some really awesome parts in the middle. Some of their best stuff on the new one is not their crazy heavy stuff, but their softer moments.
This is very true, but they can also be completely seperate, as is the case here.

Lets face it, most metal is self indulgent dicking around for meatheaded guitarists that can't get enough of each other.

The whole genre is essentially built around guitarists having dick waving competitions.

BTBAM is just the logical extension of such wankery.