So I'm not a metal guy....

Deaf Ear

Feb 25, 2007
New guy here. I come to this forum mostly because I'm not a "purist" in my production techniques. I'm all for sound replacement and such, ghetto recording scenarios, you name it. I seem to get better insight from you guys than any other forum hosted by old guys who praise gospel music and Price albums, so I decided to stop lurking and sign up.

Now, I do LIKE metal, and I grew up on it, I just don't listen to a whole hell of alot anymore. I would say it's my favorite kind of music to mix though.

Hope I'm welcome here.:headbang:
Indeed welcome. I'm not strictly a metal guy either as my tastes are all over the map, but this is a cool spot. I've learned a bit, shared a bit of knowledge and found it to be a good resource for information. Take what you need, contribute what you can, and most of the criticism provided is constructive if you have the right attitude.
Same here, metal is the music I grew up with. I love producing metal bands and mixing that stuff, but when I listen to music I rather listen to fusion stuff, or ambient stuff or whatever.

So welcome! ;)
Actually, we all hate metal. :yuk: A bunch of phonys we are.
Seriously though, what metal did you used to listen to and why the lack of interest now? Got kind of bored? Needed a change? Grew up? :lol:
What are you into these days? Just curious.
Haha, welcome dude. I think you'll fit in nicely here, many of the "locals" are in the same boat as you.
FWIW, I still listen to and love my metal. All I do when i need a break is put on some techno, Santana, MJ or balkan folk/ rock :p It gets me back onto the metal within an hour haha.
Seriously though, what metal did you used to listen to and why the lack of interest now? Got kind of bored? Needed a change? Grew up? :lol:
What are you into these days? Just curious.

Well, if you want my musical history, it went something like this...

Heaviest thing allowed it the house was maybe Richard Marx (I'm not joking here).

I had a friend who was into Slayer, and another friend who was into Pearl Jam. I ended up liking both of them quite a bit.

I found Maiden and Pantera, had a punk friend who got me into the Misfits for awhile, which led to Bad Religion. Later on I got into Machine Head and Fear Factory and started wanting to play metal or punk, whichever came along first.

What seems to have changed it for me is emotional variety. I was pissed off a whole lot more when I was younger, so I craved more angst in my music.

Now I'm a lot more chilled out and don't really even get angry that much. I listen to quite a large variety of things now including metal. Dredg, Tool, Coheed, Mute Math, Dream Theater, etc. The list goes on and on. I'm a big Dave Weckl fan as well.
The thing I love most about metal is the fans, haha! They're so dedicated it's ridiculous. Sometimes I wish I played in a metal band for just this reason.