So is anyone out there a Walking Dead fan? (spoilers inside)

I've been watching it religiously since the first episode. Love the show. Have never read the comics, and honestly, don't really care to do it for now since there were lots of changes made. Maybe when they decide to end the Tv series (hopefully years from now), I'll get to the comics.

I think it's one of the best shows in a really long time. :)
I've been watching it religiously since the first episode. Love the show. Have never read the comics, and honestly, don't really care to do it for now since there were lots of changes made. Maybe when they decide to end the Tv series (hopefully years from now), I'll get to the comics.

I think it's one of the best shows in a really long time. :)

I agree. I was heartbroken about Dale last week. Who knows what will happen next within the group now that the moral compass is gone.

I have even started watching The Talking Dead. I love the picture they have at the back of the stage that has Sophia coming out of the barn. What an awesome shot!
Mega-agreed on the spoilers. ;)

But yeah, I never really cared for Talking Dead. I tried, but couldn't find it to be interesting enough. Plus they bumped the show to 11pm, after a completely different show. How the fuck does that make sense?
Mega-agreed on the spoilers. ;)

But yeah, I never really cared for Talking Dead. I tried, but couldn't find it to be interesting enough. Plus they bumped the show to 11pm, after a completely different show. How the fuck does that make sense?

I know right?! I TIVO TD and watch it the next day. They have some pretty cool guests on and i like the "in memoriam" for the zombies.
I've been watching it religiously since the first episode. Love the show. Have never read the comics, and honestly, don't really care to do it for now since there were lots of changes made. Maybe when they decide to end the Tv series (hopefully years from now), I'll get to the comics.

I think it's one of the best shows in a really long time. :)
Exactly, Milton. I've been hooked since minute one. I got my wife addicted to the show now, too. My love for this show knows no bounds.
I could argue that you guys should know better than to visit forum topics about the show if you haven't seen the latest episode. I mean, what else are we supposed to talk about, if not the latest events?

I've seen about 2 episodes of the 2nd season, I typically wait for the season to end before watching all of it.

There's nothing wrong with general chat and comparison of the show, you can talk without being overly specific.

Or use small text.
Incredible show. Normally I get bored very quickly with zombie-related stuff, but this is much more about the humans than the zombies; they are mostly scenery.

And Talking Dead is awesome. Chris Hardwick is quickly becoming one of my favorite comedians/personalities.
'The Walking Dead' should have been titled 'The Talking Dead'; seriously a boring show yet I cannot turn away hoping eventually something will happen. I don't mean even zombie action either, though that would be nice.
My girlfriend and I watch this every Sunday and now it seems just to pull apart the writing and find all the wholes in it. It all started with Rick getting out of the hospital bed - and now, well that kid walks around pretty well for having his leg spiked and ripped up.
Jamie's favorite character was Dale, I don't personally mine seeing him gone but I can't get into any of these characters anyway. Dale strikes me as a guy who was on his way to a Jimmy Buffet concert and then the apocalypse happened.
They have spent way to long on the farm. Sure I guess it would be a safe place for now to set up base before the barbarians roll in, but it makes for some slow tv. I'm waiting for the one episode based around plowing a field, the drama will be that the kid will get a splitter in his finger, meanwhile someone will find a zombie in the chicken coup pretty much how this show goes.
So glad to see another season of Mad Men on the way, now there is a good show.
In my opinion the last episode seemed so slow because the previous couple were pretty action packed with the stand off at the bar in town and also the schoolyard fight between Rick and Shane. Though I do agree a lot of the episodes move very slowly (like a zombie).

At this point the TV show has veered way off course from the books. If you read the books though you will notice they also move slowly at times.

Some serious shit is gonna go down in the next two episodes that's for sure.
After a 2 year hiatus, I just got cable TV again, (all the bundles were for HD- nothing for us old school glass tube watchers, until this month) and I have a TON of catching up to do on this. Definitely digging Full Metal Jousting on The History Channel, too......
I just found a map online with all of the shooting locations. Nearly everything is ~10-15 minutes from where I grew up and where my parents still live. Definitely know where I'm going next time I take a trip home....
I just found a map online with all of the shooting locations. Nearly everything is ~10-15 minutes from where I grew up and where my parents still live. Definitely know where I'm going next time I take a trip home....

When the gang were stationed at an old rock quarry in early season 1, I was trying to figure out which quarry that was. I do a lot of business with rock quarries in and around GA. I saw on the talking dead that they shoot 6 months in advance. It would be cool to be on sight at one of there shooting locations.