So, some Mormons came to our house today.

even though its for lulz, i dont think i could actually bring myself to say out loud "im a scientologist"
just for the principle of it! haha
I'd probably choke on the words before they ever left my mouth.

Ok maybe not Scientology, maybe tell them you're a People's Temple Revivalist.
If you need some ammo on mormons my partners family are mormon so i can provide info.

some quick notes

-dont drink caffiene(or drinks like V, red bull, anything that "enhances" the way of life
-give 10% of wages to the church(my money is going towards gear thanks)
-no sex before marriage(I threw that one out the door along time ago)
-oh and what I can gather from her family, they all only date for maximum of 9 months before they are married anyway.obvious and main reason is no humans can survive without sex.

can you ask them about this for me

God the Father had sex with Mary to conceive Jesus, who is the half brother of Lucifer

Is it true? if so JESUS IS 50% METAL
hey guys, don't fuck with a man on a mission. hehe, i love these guys, i spent about 10mins talking to one, got them to drink caffeinated root beer. its arizona, it hot and eventually they need it.
haha, I knew this mormon girl who came to germany for like 6 months or so, he father was a mormon preacher...

had all kinds of dirty sex, we did all kinds of drugs, then she decided she's a lesbian and she got her entire back tattoed....fuck, she was intense....try to have sex with them, they're crazy and fuck your brains out once they decide to make the jump.
....when said girl returned to SLC she got married to a man and turned fully mormon again...but I bet she had the best time over here...her back will always be proof of that ;)
I've always wondered how one kooky sect reacts to confrontation by another.

Ummm, Israel/Arab, Shi'ite/Sunni, Catholic/Protestant, Muslim/Hindu conflicts weren't a clue?

Slaughter in the name of, well, pick a name.
Isn't saying "I'm a scientologist" the same as saying "I'm a brainwashed idiot?"

What if we were to replace the word Scientologist with any other Sky-God worshipping cult? Like Christian? Muslim?

When any of the door to door cult crazies bring their children to my door they get a pretty good blasting from me. I suppose they have the right to be straight fucking nuts, but it sure pisses me off when they indoctrinate children into their superstitious cults..from birth no less...abuse that offends me. And I have no problem telling THEM that. And I would suggest a whole lot more people need to do it too.
What if we were to replace the word Scientologist with any other Sky-God worshipping cult? Like Christian? Muslim?

When any of the door to door cult crazies bring their children to my door they get a pretty good blasting from me. I suppose they have the right to be straight fucking nuts, but it sure pisses me off when they indoctrinate children into their superstitious cults..from birth no less...abuse that offends me. And I have no problem telling THEM that. And I would suggest a whole lot more people need to do it too.

Fuck yeah! Feels good man! :headbang:
I argued with a Jehova about the meaning of life once.

Apparently I caused him considerable stress.
What if we were to replace the word Scientologist with any other Sky-God worshipping cult? Like Christian? Muslim?

The problem is I have never heard of any other religion who was anti psychologist.

It's disturbing to me that someone would go along with a religion that would interfere with them getting proper medical attention, that includes mental health.

Feel free to point out some other religions/cults that do this.
The problem is I have never heard of any other religion who was anti psychologist.

It's disturbing to me that someone would go along with a religion that would interfere with them getting proper medical attention, that includes mental health.

Feel free to point out some other religions/cults that do this.

Christian Science, I'm pretty sure
NO SHIT MAN! We have them in Slovenia too, and they are walkin' n 'knocking on every fuckin' door. You can see them in almost every city and town....I guess they have a world-wide infestation march. :D hahahah

...I also noticed that they are using chalk to draw some GOD PLAN OF HAPPINESS stuff on the sidewalks and they also stand on some corners and play guitars and synthesisers and sing about Jesus.....

IMO: Mormons are an just advanced movement of christian lying machine. They have an improved stories and techinques to brainwash people around the the church was brainwashing people in the dark ages... I mean, they fuckin' burned a dude, who was so fuckin' smart and talented, that he knew, without any help of technology, that the planet earth is circling around the sun....Come oooooon. Church is the devil man.
Christian Science, I'm pretty sure

Hmm, I wonder about that actually - therapy is usually talk-based (at least with psychologists, since they don't have MD's and thus can't prescribe medicine), so I'm not sure that would be outside the realms of the acceptable. Though I'm sure they think it's better to just pray a lot and become one with God and blah blah blah :rolleyes: