So, some Mormons came to our house today.

Let's see you say that when they legalize gay marriage in your state.

I don't care if gay people are legally bound or united as a couple; they shouldn't be married in a church, though. Churchs were made as houses for religion, and if the religion doesn't support gays being married in that temple, then that's it!
I don't care if gay people are legally bound or united as a couple; they shouldn't be married in a church, though. Churchs were made as houses for religion, and if the religion doesn't support gays being married in that temple, then that's it!

but correct me if I'm wrong, couples were either one or both parties get married in churches frequently, right, or am I just talking out of my ass?
I don't care if gay people are legally bound or united as a couple; they shouldn't be married in a church, though. Churchs were made as houses for religion, and if the religion doesn't support gays being married in that temple, then that's it!

Well of course. Churches are private establishments and are not required to marry anyone they don't want to. When people refer to "gay marriage" they are generally mean a legal union, which includes tax benefits, work benefits for the working man/woman's spouse etc.

That being said, that doesn't necessarily mean gay people "shouldn't be married in a church." If a church decides it wants to marry gay people, more power to them.
they shouldn't be married in a church, though. Churchs were made as houses for religion, and if the religion doesn't support gays being married in that temple, then that's it!

Agreed. No religious group should be forced to carry out gay weddings. I'm not suggesting that. On the other hand, churches should stay the hell out of election proceedings... ...especially where human rights are concerned.
I'm a firm believer in "separation of church and state."

I also believe that churches should start paying taxes like every other business.
Agreed. No religious group should be forced to carry out gay weddings. I'm not suggesting that. On the other hand, churches should stay the hell out of election proceedings... ...especially where human rights are concerned.
I'm a firm believer in "separation of church and state."

I also believe that churches should start paying taxes like every other business.

I couldn't agree more with these statements!

Oh, so you're the one! :)

A rare breed indeed, but definitely no :saint:. :lol: If it was the old days, I'd be burned at the stake for my heretical views. :heh:
Agreed. No religious group should be forced to carry out gay weddings. I'm not suggesting that. On the other hand, churches should stay the hell out of election proceedings... ...especially where human rights are concerned.
I'm a firm believer in "separation of church and state."

I also believe that churches should start paying taxes like every other business.

What would solve the gay marriage debate is to have everything called a civil union. If someone wants the church to do their civil union, it would then become a marriage. Give both civil unions and marriages the exact same benefits. I would really like to know what people have against gays getting "married" or if it is just the term marriage that pisses them off. The "argument" of "it's just gross" is completely invalid as well.
If you need some ammo on mormons my partners family are mormon so i can provide info.

some quick notes

-dont drink caffiene(or drinks like V, red bull, anything that "enhances" the way of life
-give 10% of wages to the church(my money is going towards gear thanks)
-no sex before marriage(I threw that one out the door along time ago)
-oh and what I can gather from her family, they all only date for maximum of 9 months before they are married anyway.obvious and main reason is no humans can survive without sex.

can you ask them about this for me

God the Father had sex with Mary to conceive Jesus, who is the half brother of Lucifer

Is it true? if so JESUS IS 50% METAL

Wait, are Mormons the only sect of Christianity that claim Lucifer is the half-bro of Jeebus? That's the first I've ever heard of that...
^^Yeah, or something like that, most likely. Another of the great, shining moments in human history. :zombie: 'Histeria'?? I don't recall ever seeing/hearing about this. How did I miss this?? :)
Glenn, not EVERY christian is an ultra conservative, fundamentalist, bible preaching, door knocking, intolerant, science hating, brain washed person. Granted, a large majority are...but not all.

If the Christians that didn't suck were able to take a bit more control and slap some sense into the rest, we might get somewhere.

If the Christians that didn't suck were able to take a bit more control and slap some sense into the rest, we might get somewhere.


That seems to be the trend. I have religious friends who are perfectly well balanced, respectful people who don't force their religious beliefs upon others, or any of their beliefs. But they're the sort of people who just go about their day in peace just like everybody else does and thus go unnoticed.
The ones with the batshit insane type views are the ones that get any attention paid to them because they're constantly dancing round in the spotlight like some sort of dogmatic Gene Kelly. Constantly trying to get people to pay them attention so they can spew their beliefs at everyone.

If the majority of the nice, balanced, none dogmatiic type of Christians told those few crazy sects to sit the fuck down and eat their damn oatmeal quietly then I'm sure we'd all be a lot better off. :loco: