So, some Mormons came to our house today.

nothing like a bit of religion bashing

its the best thing ever to come home stoned as fuck at half 5 in the morning and find that your topic has exploded into a big FUCK JEHOVAS WITNESSES fest
A girl in my class back at high school was a JW. I remember she told me about her sister who didn't believe in that stuff so she made a decision when she was like 16 (I think they go through some sort of rite at that age where they HAVE to decide if they are a true believer or not, and she didn't) so they kicked her out. Her own family kicked her out... at that age, that's pretty fucked up. Anyway, so the girl in my class decided not to follow in the footsteps of her sister, because she actually wanted to have a place to live at until she had finished school and all so basically... she was forced to believe, otherwise she would get kicked out.

And still, religious people go on and on about compassion and love for each other... haha, yeah, this type of behaviour really backs those words up, doesn't it?

You bet your god damn ass it means something to me, some of us feel compassion for other human beings.
Do you even know what compassion is?

But Jesus Christ on a tadpole, i think i get your point, letting children die is absolutely fine.. because its their choice, right?
Just like a psychopath shouldn't be held in an insane asylum, because its their fuckin' choice to hurt people, right?

I think you took the first part a bit far there man, I have compassion for myself, my family, my friends. Just because I'm not that compassionate for complete strangers does not in any way make me a bad person.

How much time did you spend working at the homeless shelter last year? How much of your audio gear money did you give away to charity? Your priority, however offended you think you might be by this, is number uno.

Also, this whole "letting children die" malarky, assumes that Jehovas have absolutely no passion for their children at all that they couldnt have a blood transfusion done even if their child was dying because they prioritise their beliefs before their offspring, there is something fundamentally wrong with that if it is the case, because it goes against all human nature. If I was a jehova child and my parents denied that I get a blood transfusion in a life or death situation, and I died, then I think it might even be the right choice, because what child would want to live in a world where there parents placed their beliefs over the protection of their own children.

All I was getting at from the beginning anyway, was that this was not a case of right or wrong, but that most of you were all making out that it was of more importance to you than it really was, this is a tiny tiny issue in the scale of disasters and tragedies that happen every day in human lives and the idea that you all do get so "outraged" is implausible, thats what I was trying to say, that it didn't affect anyone as much as they were pretending it did.
burny burny ? come on, save the world some common sense


I'm keen.
Öwen has a magical feeling detector. According to his advanced technology, it is "implausible" that anyone would get "outraged" at the thought of children dying from preventable deaths. ;)

Öwen has a magical feeling detector. According to his advanced technology, it is "implausible" that anyone would get "outraged" at the thought of children dying from preventable deaths. ;)



Take the time to read my post man, thats not what I said. What I said was that you guys were making a mountain out of a molehill, you could barely give one or two examples of this ever happening, its still death and it is preventable and it usually is, as nearly all hospitals go against the Jehovas religious beliefs on these grounds anyway.

But theres so many things in life that are unfair and wrong, many much more serious than this and yet you all mouth off at me when I point that out, the idea that you're outraged by something so small in comparison with all the ills of the world must mean you spend your living days in total frustration. Maybe you do, maybe I'm wrong, maybe you really all are so easily aggrevated by it, maybe that means you'll do something about it instead of mouthing off at me about how perspective on such issues is a terrible thing, but I doubt it.
haha, I knew this mormon girl who came to germany for like 6 months or so, he father was a mormon preacher...

had all kinds of dirty sex, we did all kinds of drugs, then she decided she's a lesbian and she got her entire back tattoed....fuck, she was intense....try to have sex with them, they're crazy and fuck your brains out once they decide to make the jump.
....when said girl returned to SLC she got married to a man and turned fully mormon again...but I bet she had the best time over here...her back will always be proof of that ;)

hell yea man, my mom is a "non-active" mormon and made me starting going to church again when i was around thing i could've ever done to get pussy!
There's a Mormon church really close to where I live (like a walk of a couple minutes). The weird thing is that I never see them here unless they're just leaving the church. Not once have they come to knock on our door or anything. I've had them come talk to me in the metro once though. Asked what I was listening to and talked about playing guitar and stuff first, then asked me to come to one of their evening events or something, in which they apparently "have fun and eat and play music and pool and stuff". I just said no thanks and left, as it was my stop right when they asked that. They weren't very fun :( I like arguing with evangelists sometimes, they're usually so hopeless because they don't know about anything that it's hilarious :lol: I once had an old dude confess to me that he was addicted to porn and fapping until he found God and all kinds of weird shit :lol:

you may have a church in your area, but it doesn't mean there's any missionaries around - they always come from different areas, and are assigned their "territories" by the higher-ups in SLC
we always used to have JW headed round ours back home cause the house was previously owned by JWs...

they kept coming back even though my mam told them not to until the day she snapped and went off on a near-psychotic rampage with them...

i was only 10 at the time but i knew something good happened that day...

as with the taking offence to parents letting their kids die... ok so there's so much death in the world that can't be helped, but these parents are making the choice for their kids to die if their illness or injury deams it, thats like throwing them off a building and hoping they grow wings...

now i know some parents are stupid, like letting their kids roam free at a young age in a busy shopping centre where they're about 30-unsupervised-seconds from being snatched, but theres a difference between carelessness and down-right cruelty...

hell i get nervous when any stranger stands within two feet of my sons buggy when we're on the bus, how can they honestly believe that their kid is worse of without definitive help...??
Jesus will come again and will be like a pain in your ass, unbeliever bastards!! the Second Arrival is closer...
A lightning will strike, Earth will shake and a spacechip will land with Jesus and his dinosaurs disciples.



I know this is an old thread… but i didn't see the point in setting up a new one to vent…

So for the last two months i've had a decent sturdy day job working for apple, the problem being that i'm away from the house during the week, and three times over these last two months JWs have been round banging on the door when only my girlfriend and 1 year old son are home, spouting their version of things and when my girlfriend explains that she's not interested, they've taken to jamming their foot in the door and such and putting flyers through the letter box, being generally forceful

Now i have three options:

1) Advise my girlfriend to call the police that their trying to force their way in

2) Wait it out and hope that on my 1 or 2 weekdays off a month coincides with their next visit and unleash a suitable attack

3) Go black metal on their church one night with some combustable fluid and a set of matches
I know this is an old thread… but i didn't see the point in setting up a new one to vent…

So for the last two months i've had a decent sturdy day job working for apple, the problem being that i'm away from the house during the week, and three times over these last two months JWs have been round banging on the door when only my girlfriend and 1 year old son are home, spouting their version of things and when my girlfriend explains that she's not interested, they've taken to jamming their foot in the door and such and putting flyers through the letter box, being generally forceful

Now i have three options:

1) Advise my girlfriend to call the police that their trying to force their way in

2) Wait it out and hope that on my 1 or 2 weekdays off a month coincides with their next visit and unleash a suitable attack

3) Go black metal on their church one night with some combustable fluid and a set of matches

Well, you live in the us, right?
So correct me if im wrong, but isnt mace legal to use on for example trespassers?
If so, buy a can for your girlfriend to fuck those JW's up majorly.. or why not a tazer? That should be fun.. i wonder if it will work like in Postal, you know, they fall down in a fetal position pissing their pants out of shear pain!

You might think that im just exaggerating, but really, if someone puts their foot in my door, i would not have any moral issues with putting them in a world of hurt.
Well, you live in the us, right?
So correct me if im wrong, but isnt mace legal to use on for example trespassers?
If so, buy a can for your girlfriend to fuck those JW's up majorly.. or why not a tazer? That should be fun.. i wonder if it will work like in Postal, you know, they fall down in a fetal position pissing their pants out of shear pain!

You might think that im just exaggerating, but really, if someone puts their foot in my door, i would not have any moral issues with putting them in a world of hurt.

He's from Newcastle which is in northern england ;)
Öwen;8456917 said:
Nope, it has jack shit to do with my sensibilities how someone wants to handle their offspring in a perfectly legal situation, why should I get annoyed about whether some religious crazies think its a good idea to give their kids blood transfusions or not.

Because there are many other illogical things they're trying to turn into LAW, that WILL affect your life.

Fuck Sharia law, whilst we're at it.