So, some Mormons came to our house today.

the above 3 quotes are presented to illustrate, in their own words, that the founding fathers of the United States understood very well that there is a clear and distinct difference between being a Christian and being an American.

the current American extreme religious right would do well to crack open their history books.

FUCK Jehova's Witnesses... FUCK Seventh Day Adventists... FUCK Mormons.... and FUCK every other flavor of evangelical door-knockers that think it's ok to interrupt my Splinter Cell sessions/dinner/work/sex with the gf/staring blankly at the floor, to shove pamphlets in my face and tell me that they "know" something that i need to know, that i need to believe and adhere to, in order to be a good person and worthy of "God's Kingdom"... as if simply believing a particular doctrine of dogma makes one a worthy individual... even the youngest, most innocent, and inexperienced of us... our children... see through this blatant mistruth immediately, and naturally... provided they have never been subject to mandatory religious inculcation.

indoctrinating children is the worst offense they all get up to, by the way... it's child abuse, full stop.
I will say I do not agree with a lot of the sects of Christianity and their actions, but I am a Christian and I do not hate, do not force my religion on people, and love metal.
I had Jehovas Witnesses knocking on my door one day.. I yelled "wait a minute", went in to my room, drew some pentagrams on my hands, slammed on some Burzum and put on a Slayer t-shirt with the pentagram logo..

.. when i opened the door they just stood there and watched me(Without taking a breath.), and then one of them just said "I think we need to be some place else right now", and they left without saying anything!

Haven't had a Jehova knocking on our door ever since! :kickass:

(Which is pretty amazing considering that we have Swedens biggest congregation of Jehovas down here.)
heh heh funny shit
the above 3 quotes are presented to illustrate, in their own words, that the founding fathers of the United States understood very well that there is a clear and distinct difference between being a Christian and being an American.

the current American extreme religious right would do well to crack open their history books.

FUCK Jehova's Witnesses... FUCK Seventh Day Adventists... FUCK Mormons.... and FUCK every other flavor of evangelical door-knockers that think it's ok to interrupt my Splinter Cell sessions/dinner/work/sex with the gf/staring blankly at the floor, to shove pamphlets in my face and tell me that they "know" something that i need to know, that i need to believe and adhere to, in order to be a good person and worthy of "God's Kingdom"... as if simply believing a particular doctrine of dogma makes one a worthy individual... even the youngest, most innocent, and inexperienced of us... our children... see through this blatant mistruth immediately, and naturally... provided they have never been subject to mandatory religious inculcation.

indoctrinating children is the worst offense they all get up to, by the way... it's child abuse, full stop.

i agree with every word of this post, every last word of it.
Let's see you say that when they legalize gay marriage in your state.

Glenn, not EVERY christian is an ultra conservative, fundamentalist, bible preaching, door knocking, intolerant, science hating, brain washed person. Granted, a large majority are...but not all. :wave: Not pissed at you or anything (you're one of my forum heroes :notworthy), I just don't like everyone being lumped into the same category.

I couldn't care less what others believe or don't believe, I couldn't care less if gay people get married (more power to 'em if it makes them happy), and I personally despise most pro-lifers. Who am I to say what ideals other people should have or follow (except, listening to metal of course!). But then again, I love studying all historical religions and philosophies...christianity, judaism, islam, budhism, ancient paganism, humanism, satanism, and of course, the modern "religion" of science (especially astronomy and physics), there's no such thing as too much knowledge...and I'm not afraid to think for myself and question things (which seems so many deeply religious people are, unfortunately).

In fact, we just may soon have an openly gay mayor here in Houston. And I hope she wins, just to really piss off a lot of people. :lol:
My dad was working on a film set which included a full size crucifix, one of his friends (big hairy guy, looks kinda like jesus actually) was testing it out, crown of thorns, fake blood and everything when jehova's witnesses knocked on the door. The door was opened, they were greated by what appeared to be a full on biblical crucifixion. Needless to say they left in a hurry :heh:

Jehovas witness approaches a family friend of ours in the street
JW: Do you feel dissatisfied with your life? what do you want to be? we can help you
Paul: A seagull
that shut them up :)
My dad was working on a film set which included a full size crucifix, one of his friends (big hairy guy, looks kinda like jesus actually) was testing it out, crown of thorns, fake blood and everything when jehova's witnesses knocked on the door. The door was opened, they were greated by what appeared to be a full on biblical crucifixion. Needless to say they left in a hurry :heh:

Jehovas witness approaches a family friend of ours in the street
JW: Do you feel dissatisfied with your life? what do you want to be? we can help you
Paul: A seagull
that shut them up :)

Now THAT is funny stuff :lol: