Great quote at the bottom:
Outside Camping's compound near the Oakland airport, which was locked and dark on Sunday, a different religious group waited for dejected believers.
"I would encourage them not to lose their faith because they listened to a wolf in sheep's clothing, and Jesus said there would be wolves in sheep's clothing," said Jackie Alnor.
Alnor, a resident of Hayward who blogs about the rapture, said Camping had twisted the word of God by trying to predict the end. Only God knows when the world will end, she said.
"He's in big trouble with God," she said.
If that isn't bad enough, she said, Camping's false prophecy could have bigger impacts on religion.
"It's given people who hate Christianity an excuse to hate it even more," she said. "People can just paint with broad brush strokes."
Across town, a group of atheists gathered in Oakland's Masonic Center to observe the promised rapture in their own way.
"The issue is the Bible is mythology," said Larry Hicok, state director of the American Atheists, bluntly laying out his case.
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