So, What are you listening to...

noodlesatf said:
I'm really getting into that Altered Aeon disc you gave me, Mike. Why are all the solos mixed so low, though?

I dunno - I've heard several mixes like that recently. I like the disc a lot, though, and the solo work is excellent, even if it's not right out front...
Oogadee Boogadee said:
recreation day
i really dig these guys when i feel like chilling w/o falling asleep.

I've been listening to "In Search of Truth" a lot lately. Man, what a great disc...

Having said that, I'm about to fire up some Byzantine.

What did you think of the Scar Symmetry?
i'm about to stock up on more Evergrey.

My first impression of Scar Symmetry, if I'm recalling the right band (been hearing a lot of new stuff (for me) recently), was that they could play, they solo a lot, but they do the growling too much. But maybe i just wasn't ready for it. Regardless, it's only received one listen b/c it's in the wrong car, which is garaged at the VRE at the time being.... it'll get more play on the way to BWI this weekend.

Over all though, my recent taste in music has really tired for the growling/clean combo, and I really want to keep the growling to death and extreme metal for me. Right now, I'm really into bands that are heavy as shit, but with completely clean vocals - like Nevermore, Evergrey, etc.
James - the folks that listen to much heavier stuff seem to like "The Dark Discovery" the best from Evergrey. It's a little doomier than any of their other albums (though still with clean vocals).

They have a new CD coming out in April. With any luck they'll finally get back to the States to promote the damn thing. o_O I miss those meatballs. (shut up!)
That's a great disc, Mike.

I'm presently fighting with my iPod. I got a brand-new replacement for my used one that was having battery issues, and this one isn't behaving either. Very frustrating. I'm going to try reformatting it when I get home from work.

In the meantime, I'm TRYING to listen to Depeche Mode - "Precious." I dl'd the CD and played it so often that I bought it the other day when I found it for 30% off at Media Play in Raaachester.