So, What are you listening to...


I just caught Queen of the Reich on VH1.


I was half asleep in bed listening to VH1 Classic or Metal Mania or whatever their old school rock show is called. Dozing through Warrent (blah), White Lion (okay if you close your eyes - but i took a peek), etc. Then this song came on. The brutal attitude of the playing was evident immediately - needless to say, I jumped from my sleep and was all ears.

All I have to say is HOLY SHIT! This is (was) Queensryche? The song absolutely slayed. Riffing, double bass, everything! EVERYBODY in that band just fucking ATTACKED! Very punishing stuff.

I had no idea - I cant even listen to Rage, and Mindcrime and the rest have their moments but overall are a little too far away from what interests me.

If the rest of this the EP administers the same fury from the bowels that which spawned the scathing beauty of Queen of the Reich, I must obtain it.
Actually, get 'em both. The "new" version of the EP has the whole "Live In Tokyo" set on it, too, which is one of the more awesome live performances you'll ever hear...

Can't listen to "Rage"? Ah, well, there's no accounting for taste...
Oogadee Boogadee said:
All I have to say is HOLY SHIT! This is (was) Queensryche? The song absolutely slayed. Riffing, double bass, everything! EVERYBODY in that band just fucking ATTACKED! Very punishing stuff.

I was a teenager in Oregon when that came out--immediately hit all over the radio due to our close proximity to the band's hometown of Seattle. Anyway, the first time I heard that song, I had to rush out and get the EP. I think I still have my old vinyl copy somewhere. Definitely one of my my alltime favorite metal songs. You HAVE to get the EP. Mike's right--get The Warning also. They are both essential.

This might just be the weirdest album ever made, and one of the best. I way prefer this to any of the Meshuggah albums I've heard. SNW has more texture and variety (and wonderful weirdness), whereas Meshuggah is like having your brain pounded with a sledgehammer for an hour or so. No dynamics or 'light and shade'.

I'm listening to an, uhh, 'unofficial' copy, since it is way out of print. Currently trolling eBay to get an official copy. Not cheap, though. The one copy of the remixed version currently on eBay is sitting at $61 right now. I think I'll get the earlier version.
Geoff Tate's vocals are insane on the "Live in Tokyo" show. Check out "The Prophecy"...a cool tune with some unreal vocal acrobatics. Too bad the band ended up sounding like a cross between Pink Floyd and a bad garage band in the 90s. The forthcoming Mindcrime II album sounds interesting though...Dio supposedly did the guest spot of the infamous Dr. X character. I've been listening to some old Vicious Rumors lately and this new-fangled "metal/skate-core" stuff called Between the Buried and Me. (A friend gave me the Between the Buried... disc to check out.) It's not my cup-of-tea but there are some cool moments within the slop.
profusion said:
I'm listening to an, uhh, 'unofficial' copy, since it is way out of print. Currently trolling eBay to get an official copy. Not cheap, though. The one copy of the remixed version currently on eBay is sitting at $61 right now. I think I'll get the earlier version.

The earlier version is better, definitely. Weird stuff, for sure.
I still have the Live in Tokyo on VHS. I remember being insanely bitter for years cause I couldn't find the Prophecy on anything other than the Decline of Western Civilization 2 soundtrack. Then they released the EP on CD with it as a bonus track.

Right now: Dane Cook
eaeolian said:
The earlier version is better, definitely. Weird stuff, for sure.

Cool, I'll have to pick up that one--you can find it if you're willing to go the import route. Supposedly the remixed version is going to be rereleased, but I think I'll pick up the first version instead. The remix has a couple of earlier pieces tacked on to the end that don't really fit into the overall concept.
Vai - Passion & Warfare.

I've always loved "The Riddle". I laugh when i hear the second verse, b/c it's so stupidly cool how vai bends notes.

I regret missing him at the Birchmere on his last tour. Also because Eric Sardinas is so cool to watch.
Oogadee Boogadee said:
what was it you gave me? Necrophagist? Whatever the hell it was, it's the only tech death stuff that I've like so far.

That's because they're some of the finest tech death stuff there is. You can't help but be impressed when you listen to the shit they pull off.