So, What are you listening to...

*beats head on desk* Don't even talk to me about pissy Evergrey fans. My delete-button-finger is still aching after cleaning up after some of them last month.
np: Tool - Sober

Moderator? Try janitor. :guh: Fortunately, other than last month, it's an easy job, and the forum got a lot more civil after banning the two people who were doing all the shit-stirring.

God, I can't wait for May.
Rick Pierpont said:
Yeah, and I still prefer A7X to Devin. ;) The singer takes getting used to, but I love some of the drumming and guitar work on it.

As far as James just discovering Disturbed, you're right, that dude can wail - I love his voice (although he's having issues right now). I also agree with your assessment of the first CD -- still not getting into Down with the Sickness.

What I've been stuck on lately though is the new Evergrey! It f**king crushes! I know some people are going to hear the 7 strings and think "nu-metal", but I'm so sick and tired of every band who does anything crunchy on a 7-string getting that label. Listening to the new one has also put me in the mood for the rest of their catalog - primarily from In Search of Truth on up.

I've also been getting into Pyramaze and am looking very forward to hearing these guys at PP. Then there is the band that Ron recently turned me onto, Nocturnal Rites. That's pretty cool too! The new Queensryche hasn't grabbed me yet, but I'm trying ;)

Don't waste too much time on the OM:II - It just ain't worth it.
Better check out some Freak Kitchen while you're at it.:headbang:

/me digging the new E-grey as well.....Don't know why people are hating it so much.......

J-Dubya - Ron K's violent stalker! LOL
I love the new Evergrey! Whoever said it sounds like Staind needs new ears. I predict that these tunes will KILL live.

Here's the other stuff I got from Laser's Edge this week besides Evergrey:

Jadis - Photoplay
Riverside - Voices In My Head
Red Circuit - Trance State
After - Endless Lunatic
Metal Jam - The Prayer
Oceansize - Everyone Into Position

Haven't really listened to these yet, I'm saving them for my flights back and forth across the Atlantic...

Unless they do everything in 3/4 and bitch about their parents, it's not Staind.

I did pick up a catalog of way different stuff in the last few days. Some old Ben Harper (damn that man is talented) and the Innocent Criminals, as well as the 69 Eyes, who absolutely lick the boots of the Sisters of Mercy

Someone tell the damn Murderdolls to have a reunion tour already.
I'm out of town and will miss the show, but I just want to mention how great King's X is live (when not completely stoned). I just threw Gretchen on again since it's been a while. I hear good things about their new disc.
lots of Megadeth this week.

Picked up my first slugger last Tuesday (a DC hitchhiker for HOV Lane eligibility)... an older conservative guy from the Pentagon.

On the 40 mile commute, I introduced him to:
Opeth "Blackwater Park"
Soilwork "Natural Born Chaos"
Megadeth "Rust In Peace"

I began operations at the gym today by subjecting everybody to Chimaira's latest, followed by the Peace Sells remix/remaster.

Soon, i'll put in the 5 disc changer all Nevermore:
Enemies of Reality remaster
Dreaming Neon Black
Dead Heart in a Dead World
This Godless Endeavor
Everytime I slug I get NPR, and every gym trip earns me your typical house remix bullshit.

I can put up with NPR, but the music at most gyms kills my workout. You should open your own line of gyms that only plays metal.
The new Tool album leaked, and I listened to it at a friend's house this weekend. Great stuff, but it is not the radical departure that we've come to expect from the band every album. More of a homologation of everything they've done up to this point.
Dimmu Borgir - Stormblast re-recording. Actually, i'm not listening to it any more. I regret this purchase.

Into Eternity - Dead or Dreaming. I love it now. 2 years to grow on me. That's probably a record.

Soilwork - A Predator's Portrait. I dont' know. I definitely like it... but I think i like Natural Born Chaos more, b/c NBC has more singing / less screaming.