So, What are you listening to...

Thanks to Mike, I was listening to DiNB on the way in, and I'm going to listen to PoE on the way home. I'll have to see what I like better this week.

IIRC, PoE comes out of the gate swinging harder/faster than any of their other albums.
eaeolian said:
I bounce back and forth between that one and PoE as my fav. DNB carries such a great mood for the whole disc, though...

That's what puts it above all their other albums for me, is just the whole mood and theme. That album is fucking genius.
noodlesatf said:
Nocturnal Rights - The Grand Illusion

These guys are a bit like older Dream Theater, but without the horrible vocalist. The interlude before the solo on track3 is totally lifted from the song "Empire".

Hmm. Yeah, it's a little close. However, I dunno if I'd say they sound like DT. Tad Morose? Yep...
Dave Lombardo. So, after jumping into Lombardo's parts and experiencing first hand how insanely insane he is, I've recently become the biggest Lombardo fan. Now, he's always had my respect.... but, I've experienced a reawakening. I've watched all of these youtubes of him in action, from live onstage with slayer, to fantomas, to drum clinics. He's hard hitting, friendly, and all business behind that kit.
So, what I've been digging into:
Slayer - Reign in Blood. I've had it forever. But I've finally "listened" to it. When it comes to pure fury w/o digital editing and triggers, it really doesn't get better than this.
Grip Inc. - Solidify. I have the first three Grip records. This one is the richest in sound and mood for me, from all the players in the band. Highly underated.

With some barfday money, I went out and bought Kamelot's 'The Black Halo', after loving 'Epica' so much. I've given it one spin.... so it's very hard to say. Well, not it's not. I've given it one spin and it's easy to say I don't feel like giving it another. Either:
1) I'm not ready for it
2) It sucks
3) Both

Today on the way to work, Motley Crue was on. "Looks That Kill" from Shout at the Devil. I've heard it before.... and I've always felt that my 430AM drive is the best time to 'listen' to things (during that early drive, my senses are heightened big time, it seems) - but damn, did it sound great this morning. I mean it was HUGE!

So, Division has a road trip coming up. I'm going to start a list here, of music, that I'm requesting others to bring. Hopefully, the list takes off and doesnt die in my post ;)

I'm bringing all my cds - but for others, that may not be a possibility as, well, I think Mike owns like 500^10 cd's.

Somebody bring:
1) Pharaoh - After The Fire
2) Pharaoh - The Longest Night
3) Motley Crue - Shout at the Devil
4) Black Sabbath - Anything with Dio
5) Scorpions - Whatever. Greatest hits?

Obviously, I'm in the mood for singing.
Oogadee Boogadee said:
Somebody bring:
1) Pharaoh - After The Fire

This one has it's moments, but there's a few tracks that aren't so good.

Oogadee Boogadee said:
2) Pharaoh - The Longest Night

I like this one much better, they seemed to have hit their stride with this one (I am very biased though). From what I've heard of disc #3 it will continue in the footsteps of TLN.

Oogadee Boogadee said:
3) Motley Crue - Shout at the Devil

You should add Too Fast for Love to the list. Manditory Crue.

Oogadee Boogadee said:
4) Black Sabbath - Anything with Dio

Heaven & Hell is the best metal album ever. After that, I like Dehumanizer more than Mob Rules for Dio are Sabbath. The live disc is fun just to hear Dio sing Ozzy tracks.

Oogadee Boogadee said:
5) Scorpions - Whatever. Greatest hits?

Just bring World Wide Live, or Love at First Sting and Blackout.

What's with all the hard rock? I think James is going soft...