So what does Opeth read


I *heart* Darwin
May 31, 2004
I was curious as to any thoughts as what the preferred literature of Opeth is? Of course we know that Lindgren, Lopez, and Bass Player are illiterate, since Akerfeldt keeps them in a cage until its time to make a new album (Fly my pretties flyyyyyy!!!) but I'm sure Akerfeldt has read an occasional book on the toilet.

Since Mike is a fan of 70's prog rock I keep thinking that he's probably a fan of Michael Moorcock, whose Elric saga is on of the best fantasy series ever.

Any other thoughts?
i assumed from the DVD doc that Lindgren was the well-read one of the bunch. i wasn't interested enough to try to read the titles on the spines of the books behind him, but i did notice he has a swank typewriter.

i read the elric saga a long time ago, but remember very little of it now. i think it's because i tend to read things in very few sittings. fiction especially, i just get sort of lost in for several hours. as a result, i really enjoy the experience but long-term remember very little of what i read. of course, that could also be do to blunt-force head trauma.
shantideva said:
i assumed from the DVD doc that Lindgren was the well-read one of the bunch.

I believe Peter holds degrees in some kind of Physics and Literature. Sounds like a pretty smart guy to me.
in the Still Life pics, he's looking at a porn mag. some swedish one, where it's trendy to have a big bush.
^i figured that out after i posted. he said the three of us were incredibly boring.
^theleperaffinity isn't even here to defend himself. poor guy. then, again, we're all the same person.
the all sit around by a bondfire and read this aloud of course

I think EVERYONE on this forum is secretly the same person. Except me, I'm pretty confident I'm not all of you. :err:
From the site:

Favourite book: American psycho, 3rd stone from the sun

Favourite book: Eyvind Johnson “Strändernas svall”

Favourite book: The open veins of latinamerica

Favourite book: Venas abiertas de latinoamerica

Hmm, on-topic boringness... Someone make some funny remarks about this please.