So what grade do you give 2005 so far?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
For quality of metal this year....surprisingly dull if you ask me (at least compared to this time in previous years, and we're already practically in September).

Granted, you always discover the " hidden gems" 12-24 months later, but nevertheless, I think I can count the real goodies on only one hand...I think by September last year, my top 10 was already signed, sealed, and delivered.

Grade for 2005 to date: D+

I have to assume the new Hammers will raise it a's hoping.
like a fucking q-. i haven't heard any good metal all year. i have a top 2 and neither album are metal.
Yeah, it's been SO bad that I'm having to pull out the LEGENDARY albums just to keep my sanity afloat. What a fucking nose dive. I don't even know what scene we were trying to support, it's become so unrecognizable.

I flicked through the last few Terrorizers in B&N. Shit, average score was like a 6, and this is a mag that likes to sprinkle out the 8's, 9's, and 10's.
dude i'm about to buy the new soulfly when it comes out, i haven't done that since i was in high school.
I think the most exciting 'released' album in the pipeline right now is the new Hypocrisy. WTF.

I presume I've missed a thread somewhere that eloquently lists all the "must have" albums of the last 8 months? :D
yeah, the new hypocrisy was cool the whole 1 time i listened to it. same with the new coc like 6 months ago. lasting appeal = null

i'm listening to some KILLER heavy shit right now though. :kickass:


from 2003 of course. :Smug:
we had the new Nevermore and the new Nile

Stop whining, bitches. Maybe you should stop listening to metal if you never think something good comes out of it.
AsModEe said:
Maybe you should stop listening to metal if you never think something good comes out of it.
who the fuck said, or even implied, that? it's a stinker year, and as such, i'm calling it as i see it!
AsModEe said:
we had the new Nevermore and the new Nile

It was those albums that inspired this thread. :loco:

OK ne Nevermore is pretty cool (and I'm not a Nevermore fan) but the new Nile album blows chunks (and I love Nile).

Stop whining, bitches. Maybe you should stop listening to metal if you never think something good comes out of it.

Yes, that is the solution I was looking for. Now, let's hold hands and skip.
redo the site, call it royal pinkage and give the most recent britney spears album a 10/10 rating? get Zod all over the hip hop?


dud year. oh well.

I'll just go back to my 2004 music collection and rock my balls off.
d'oh yeah, that meshuggah album did some funny things to me and my monkey, although i haven't listened to it for awhile. primordial and novembers doom were 2 albums that were great for like 30 seconds, don't think i ever made it through either in one sitting.