So what the fuck, is digital music going to take over completely?

Vinyl Über Alles, as the saying goes.

My collection is very small, since we only got our record player fixed a few months ago, but I have about 10 of em so far + 100 of my parents old ones lying around.

I love the sound, the experience, everything about it. Not gonna stop buying cds, but you know..some albums just DEMAND to be heard on vinyl! (now, when's The End gonna get their copies of The Mantle?)
speed said:
Just what is the whole package? Paying absorbient amounts of money to record companies for cover art and liner notes? And of course, how many millions of people are criminals here? Most of the people on this board have downloaded music. Why the hypocrisy? We are all human. And lets face it, we like shit for free.

The whole package - PHYSICAL MEDIA, cover art both front and back, and the knowledge that you helped an underground band (99% of my purchases are metal), and the comfort of knowing you're not a cheap leech taking money from the band. If you're fine with being nothing more than a leech ("me, me, me; fuck giving anything back"), fine, carry on.

I don't pay that much for CDs, tbh. The money I use to buy CDs is the money I make from eBay selling other CDs. If I don't have the funds, I don't buy them. And I certainly don't download anything other than a sample that the band OFFERS on its website.

It just rubs me the wrong way. I will never acknowledge mpee3s or CDrs as legit media. It makes me laugh when people state opinions on albums that I know they don't own. They just don't get it, and they never will get it. Their loss.

It's not about trying to beat outdated copyright laws. It's about having enough respect for the band that, if you enjoy their music, you should buy their CD. In turn, sales might be fairly decent for a record label to keep them/sign them so they can make another, and another. And maybe the record label will then send them on tour. Wow, what fucking common sense, Batman!
8-15$ (usual web-distro prices) is a fine price for a CD by my standards. pay more than that for a shitty restaurant meal, or for a movie, a couple grams of weed, a 6-pack, a whooker, and just about anything else, and often enough the cds I buy give me more long-term enjoyment than just about ALL those fucking things.
Shortly: People who download music with no intention to buy what they like fucking suck. Recording and releasing an album costs money wether we want it or not, and those who wish to share the music should do their part in paying the studio bills as well.
fotmbm said:
Shortly: People who download music with no intention to buy what they like fucking suck. Recording and releasing an album costs money wether we want it or not, and those who wish to share the music should do their part in paying the studio bills as well.

What about the people who BUY the DOWNLOADABLE tracks through a medium like iTunes or Napster? They're certainly purchasing the music...
Downloading to sample to help decide whether to buy or not = ok.

Paying to download music via iTunes or whatever = ok.

Ripping your personal CD collection to convenient MP3 format = ok.

Downloading music for free with no intention to ever buy anything = theft. There's just no two ways about it. Go out and get a job, you f'ing slackers.

speed - devil's advocate or not, you have no argument. You only download because you're a cheap bastard with no intention to pay for anything ever. What's worse (and exceptionally sad) is that you're grifting a scene that you care little about. In 12 months you'll be on your way with a hard disk ready for formatting. :loco:
JayKeeley said:
Downloading music for free with no intention to ever buy anything = theft. There's just no two ways about it. Go out and get a job, you f'ing slackers.

Fact. Nothing anyone says will change this.
It's not theft, it's "copyright infringement", something quite different... Theft is when you take someone else's physical property

/Erik Exkavator at Hell Bike Motörmike's place
To be honest I'm not entirely sure why I spend money on CD and vinyl. It's certainly more than a simple need to just own the physical media or just show it off (other than the LP thread if that counts).

Music is very important to me and I want the music I like to be easily and securly availible in tangible form; a part of my life if you like. But I also feel some kind of further connection with the music (artist?) with the physical media present, which I very much like; this is the Music (both its audial and visual components) that the artist wanted to create and has put his soul into. I'm not sure how much sense I'm making but I want music to be personal, something which is lacking alltogether when it comes in the form of ones and zeroes.

It's also a way of making sure that the music you like isn't lost, my tastes in music will likely change but I still want to have the possibilty to hear the same music in ten or twenty years, and I'm not feeling exactly assuerd that the music industry will provide the music I like in the case I'd go fully digital.
JayKeeley said:
speed - devil's advocate or not, you have no argument. You only download because you're a cheap bastard with no intention to pay for anything ever. What's worse (and exceptionally sad) is that you're grifting a scene that you care little about. In 12 months you'll be on your way with a hard disk ready for formatting. :loco:

Now thats harsh. Wow. And I was going a little over the top too.

So because I make such an argument I am criminal, cheap, a hater of metal, and well satan himself. And no argument? I am confused. So, my argument--which is downloading and digital music which millions of people do every fucking day--is null and void? The cats out of the bag man; if anything, you are the one with no argument. The old formats you are protecting are starting to die; everyone knows it, including you.

You guys have no sense of humor, nor any sense of the present state of music. Look, Im mearly stating what is happening right now. Did you read the article? Elvis Costello, Robert Plant etc, they all know once broadband hits every home, why bother to buy a cd? Peer to Peer is like the radio: its free, you can pick what you want, and its almost impossible to be caught. Or if you are part of the country who does mind stealing, why then you pay for each song you download. Costello and Plant also go on to state, it may actually be beneficial to music, as at present atleast the bands one hears on the radio, and get record label support, are for the most part horrible.

We have the same argument every week it seems. And yet every week, it seems more and more likely, that music is headed down a completely digital road. Every week, I find albums on the net, that arent supposed to be released for another 3 or 4 months. Every week more and more people go the ipod or mp3 player route. I know most of you guys are all collectors, and have a much different personality than I, but you know, millions could care less about album art and cds, and would rather have the music in easy to use digital format.

I just dont know why everyone on this board refuses to accept what is happening? Regardless of peer to peer sharing--or stealing--digital music in whatever form becomes more and more viable every day.
Again, if you have respect for the artist, you would buy his product that he poured his heart and soul into. It's really that simple.

You're just trying to justify your cheap ways by saying "everyone does it" or "it's new technology" or blaming "outdated copyright laws" instead of looking at the real problem: people like you that take, take, take without giving anything back.
This is just the beginning! Isex, Idefecation, Iurination, Imastication are all around the corner. All our pleasures will be processed by an easy medium. Just imagine the joy of sharing masterbatory thoughts via peer 2 peer cerebrum filing. Have an inkling for tri tip?!?? Take a bite...and upload the sensation your salivatory glands endure as a eunich in Wisconsin downloads the flavor, so he to can have his palette peppered with glee. And just think of the jubilee two people can have, as they swap the textures felt by each other's colonical crevasse's as stool samples pass each other's rectum's into a proverbial potty of pooferific proportions!

Welcome to the information age!!!
UM must have timed out on me 7 times now.

speed - I'm not arguing that digitial medium is a new format (not replacing anything, just added to something that already exists). The last medium to truly die out was the 8-track.

You have to make the distinction between that and "downloading for free" because you have some estranged principles that make you think you're special enough to warrant downloading everything for free! It's really quite odd, and self-righteous.

The radio analogy is crap by the way. Artists get paid each time their song is played, so they're not getting ripped off. I'm not sure how P2P is paying the artist.
speed said:
So because I make such an argument I am criminal, cheap, a hater of metal, and well satan himself.

I'll say this, 'passive aggressive' works both ways. If you're gonna dish it (which you do in spades, and you know you do -- you're not fooling anyone) then you should learn to take it. Fair's fair. :cool:
I don't think I've ever actually downloaded anything illegally
just samples from band or label sites

but I have been given tons off downloaded albums on cdr
mostly stuff to check out or rare stuff that i want to hear

also a good way to find out that some reviews are lies and the album just sounds like every other fucking thing

I also have a lot of stuff on cdr that I'm gradually + slowly getting the proper cds of my favorites through buying, swapping, perks on art jobs or trading my own music
there is no comparison to having the proper complete product as it was intended to be presented, (I just got the big cardboard negura bunget delight yesterday, which I bought, had the promo for a year before), like i did for the last 20 years replacing my old favorite traded tapes with the lps + cds

i can never see myself buying a download
I really don't equate the value with a pysical product I can hold

also people say that regardless of downloading bands will still make music...
who's going to release it, if a small band has thier sales cut by 80% its not viable to give them any budget to record never mind manufacture the product

so more obscure music will become more + more marginalised
the base level of popular music will reach new levels of banality

we don't sell all that many cds, I'm sure 80% of people who have heard us have done so by trading + thats fine by me
we also keep our costs low and our ethics are D.I.Y.
but if enough people don't buy scald cds how can we afford to cover the costs and carry on

J is right,
its not good enough to just plug a band and say they're great, spread the free copys.....
you have to buy some stuff to help them to keep going

I'm not saying buy everything, just buy something
even if its just one in ten of the things you like
buying direct from band or label is usualy cheaper and less of a pitance to them too
<<who's going to release it, if a small band has thier sales cut by 80% its not viable to give them any budget to record never mind manufacture the product so more obscure music will become more + more marginalised the base level of popular music will reach new levels of banality>>

Absolutely, it's not practical to believe that going all-digital would narrow the gap between the mainstream and the underground, it may make them equally easy to obtain but it would hurt the latter's bottom line much more. The unrepetant downloaders will never admit this, but a totally decentralized music industry is pretty much an impossibility because of the limited resource problem.
I'm an odd case in this. I don't own an iPod, yet I download by the shitload. I buy CD's, but only mainstream ones, and I download songs off the obscure ones because they're too hard to find a lot of the time.

I'm the most Jewish Muslim I've ever met...:(