So who wants to go drinking tonight?

Thanatopsis123 said:
I really can't tell if Americans calling such establishments "pubs" instead of "bars" is just for shits and giggles or because "bar" seems to have gotten such a pervasively negative connotation.
my breakdown is sorta like this:

trendy people drinking trendy drinks listening to trendy music surrounded by trendy shiny metal objects = bar

38 beers on tap and 52 kinds of bottle shitz from all over the world with a bartender that tells you his favorite beer was made 20 years ago in Yugoslavia = pub

i go to both types, but mostly the pub types. hence, i usually say pub.
around my way, even in the non trendy pubs with 50 beers on tap ... the cool non trendy kids still frink fucking BuD light ... what a fucking waste
What is it with Bud? I mean, is it the mass marketing? 'Cos it sure as hell 'aint the taste.

I can't imagine what someone must think when they go from drinking Bud all their lives and one day switching to Samuel Smith's IPA: "Ah, so those are what tastebuds are for..."
tell you one thing about BUD ... it is the only beer that after only one bottle ... i feel a tremendously happy buzz ...must be something in the thing
I want to go to a pub with NAD someday. I've yet to find a place like that. Then again, I wanna try all these 'snobby beers' i hear about in the snobby beer purchases thread.
MadeInNewJersey said:
Can't always be drinking the snobby beers, both for reasons of the wallet and the waistline.
i still don't understand the cost issue. yes, i drink some $14 6-packs, but a great number of high quality brews are only like $1 more than the typical Buttwiper. unless you are comparing an 18 pack of cans or something, but i don't see how people can drink that type of swill.
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
I want to go to a pub with NAD someday.
we'll get drunk! it'll be rockin, like this: :kickass: !
C'mon NAD, there's a significant difference in cost. Maybe not in a single night, no, but add up 100+ days a year of drinking and see what happens.

6-pack of Budweiser bottles = $4.99 maybe?
6-pack of "decent" bottled beer (I'm not even talking the very expensive shitz) = $7.99, at least.

$3 x 100 nights of drinking? And that's buying 6-pack type of drinking, which is when I'd normally be far more inclined to buy better beer. If I'm out in a bar though? Fuck that, I'll drink Guinness (if it's that kind of night), or a dozen of something inexpensive. I'm not made of money.
Trader Joe's sells all kinds of microbrew stuff for $4.99 and $5.99 per 6er. :cool:

but i don't want to add up how much money i spend on beer every year, it would make me depressed. :lol:

that being said, i take my beer very seriously, and it's something i don't mind putting the cash toward.
Plzdatemekthx said:
Trader Joe's sells all kinds of microbrew stuff for $4.99 and $5.99 per 6er. :cool:

but i don't want to add up how much money i spend on beer every year, it would make me depressed. :lol:

that being said, i take my beer very seriously, and it's something i don't mind putting the cash toward.

No Trader Joe's on this coast, I'm afraid. Though yes, I can get decent beers like Saranac or whatever for a decent cost, but as soon as you get to even Sierra Nevada quality, it's $6.99 and up.

I love my beer too, but well, you know.
Plzdatemekthx said:
Sierra Nevada quality, what, you mean, perfectly okay for mainstream beer but nowhere near "good" or even "great"? ;) seriously, Sierra Nevada makes some okay stuff (other than their Pale, which is definitely good). but it's overpriced from good microbrew shitz.


Wow, I had no idea. Wayne, NJ is only about 15 miles from me; still, that's a minimum 45-minute roundtrip drive to buy beer. Homie don't play that. :grin:

When I say Sierra, I'm pretty much ONLY talking about their Pale. Though it's worth mentioning that their Celebration Ale (winter beer) is the best smallcraft beer around, period.
Plzdatemekthx said:
i still don't understand the cost issue. yes, i drink some $14 6-packs, but a great number of high quality brews are only like $1 more than the typical Buttwiper. unless you are comparing an 18 pack of cans or something, but i don't see how people can drink that type of swill. we'll get drunk! it'll be rockin, like this: :kickass: !

You gotta wait a year till i'm 21. Stupid US. YAY FOR DRINKING AGE IN CANADA!!!
hahaha i miss those days. okay not really, but they were pretty fun.

used to go into work at 10am every Thursday (supposed to be there at 8am), and i didn't regain the ability to see until around 12pm. and i'd fall down a lot. haha.
MadeInNewJersey said:
I think that you should show up at noon, serves them right for making you/asking you to work Xmas Eve.

DUDE!!! They want us to be fucking KNOCKING ON DOORS at 8AM to repo people's shit on XMAS Eve!!! :lol: I say fuck that. I'm going out for breakfast.