So who's going to the wiltern?

God dangit. I still haven't gotten i can't go now. The only seats left or row O in the Mezzanie...last row.... This sucks....... I would have given anything (okay, not really anything) to go to this.:erk: :cry:
Hey guy's,

I'm new here and would like to say hello to all my fellow Opeth fans.

I am in need of a ticket for the Wiltern gig so if you have an extra
please get in touch. Thank you in advance!!!
Dreadful said:
I'll be there, coming from San Diego

I'm coming with this guy. That is unless he and the others don't pay me back for the tickets I bought for all of us, in which case, I'll have about 3 tickets for sale -- loge row FF. Start your bidding!

I'm also going to see them here in San Diego the night before.
I'm going to be there as well. Here's your chance to "Wip the Moderators Ass"... or buy him a beer, whichever. So much talk here in the past of meeting up at shows....and it never happens. It's a special show... so maybe this time?

I'm drivin' down with a buddy from San Jose, CA (6-8hr drive) so it'll be a mini-vacation from work. I wish I'd bought more tickets because I know some folks who'll want to go at the last minute. We still have room for 2 more in the car, and we may rent a van if enough interest is expressed. :) This will mark my fifth Opeth show! :hotjump:
Mr. Bland said:
Why thank you, I made it myself, so if you want one too i would be glad to make one.
It's quite hard to believe that you're twelve. If you really are, good on you. If not, then you're incredibly pathetic.

Thank you.
me and another guy coming from thousand oaks/camarillo....didnt know there was some ojai and oxnard dudes! right on!
Risquit said:
Still haven't gotten my tix from Artist Direct

Nor I :erk:

Killing Art said:
I'll be there. Ive never been to Wiltern so is this a good seat. Floor 5 Row x seat 506, 507, and 508. Probably not.

That's why they make "Seating Charts"... The site and select "Reserved Floor" for the proper chart...... So anyway...there are no bad seats in the Wiltern, and you'll be close to the bar. Enjoy the show:rock:

You're probably correct... but one couldn't offer me enough $$ for me to sell me ticket ....even if it's not the greatest seat in the house. Opeth is my favorite band.... I'm extremely happy to be in attendance for this special show... and that's ....that.


That was almost a waz moment.:erk: