so why do SX play in d tuning?

If I had the choice (which I do) if I had to go that low, I'd just use the low B on my 7 string. 7 string Standard is amazing.
LOL that reminds me, my cousin tuned his old Samick EEEEE all E's are the same octave(the tiny string is broken) fuck, it's so hilarious to play on that! Every string sounds exactly the same.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
Eh, I don't like that tuning much. Anything tuned down makes it feel sloppier and more like a bag of poo. I prefer simple standard or drop d. Drop C still pwns step tuning! (at least with 1 string)

Dropped tuning is retarded. There's barely anything that would actually REQUIRE it to be played, and you have to transpose everything on that string up 2 frets.

C standard for the win!
Gus G uses drop C, and in my opinion Gus G and most of the stuff he's done are awesome. I use D standard myself but may go back to E at some point so I can write for guitar and other instruments without thinking of my guitar as being transposed.
My guitars are in E standard, C standard, and C# standard right now. I haven't played in dropped tuning since maybe my second year into it.
its heavier and it till sounds sharp and tight without going to mud like b or a do. but sometimes mud is what you want. i play a seven string in standard with the first b string tuned to a. its total mud. but i can shred with the other six in standard and then switch to some pounding screwed up staticy rythm in a. it all works out in the end.
It's deffinately not for Russel that guy has like a range of 8 octaves on his regular voice add the higher part (forgot the name yet again) andi t like goes up to like 12. It's most likely to get a heavier sound but not all their songs arel ike that X ain't all about the heavy some of their osnsg they in standard it just what they feel sounds good to fit the mood of the song they want.
It's not hyperbolizzing there is a word for it I just can't remember and it was an exagerration I know its not 8 octaves but it is amazing. And yes they do have some songs in standard I can name any offt he top of my head but i do know that they have some.
hyperbolizing = exaggerating. And I'm like 99% sure all the songs are in standard cause there would be no point in tuning higher than usual for some songs. Even when I play stuff in standard I just need to put a capo on the second fret and its still like having 21 frets.
Yea my vocab is horrible. I mean the songs that they play in e they usually tune down to make it dbut liek some of their songs are in d normally so they dont need to tune down. But most of their songs are in D standard