So yeah I'm back

Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
Hey guys,

I've been away from these forums lately mainly for professional reasons but now I'm back (well, as much as I can find time to be though) :headbang:

So what have I been up to and why was I so silent...

For the last year or so I have been busy with the recording and mixing of quite a few bands, some you might have heard about but more likely not :lol:

Then in December I left from a two and a half month adventure around the world:
- China
- Australia where I did FOH for CYNIC on their Australian tour with EDGUY
- touring USA and Canada as FOH for CYNIC and DEVIN TOWNSEND PROJECT on their American tour supporting BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME
- then stayed in the US for tourism for a month and finally went to
- Mexico where I did FOH again for CYNIC and SACRED REICH.

That was quite a trip!!! o_O


When I came back home my band KALISIA was told we were to play HELLFEST, which is the biggest metal festival in France (this year headliners were, just to name a few: ALICE COOPER, KISS, SLAYER, SEPULTURA, CARCASS, FEAR FACTORY, MOTORHEAD, SLASH, TWISTED SISTER, IMMORTAL, EXODUS, etc...). It was our first gig in 13 years and we had so many things to work on and to think about...


So basically between the touring as FOH and the rehearsing as musician, this didn't leave me much time to work in the studio and even less to visit the forum as you might understand.

Now I'm back at work and will try to visit the forum more often.

Anyway, just to keep this topic about music and production here are a few of my latest mixes for you to comment if you feel to :)

BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME - Obfuscation (Live) (I have recorded CYNIC and DEVIN TOWNSEND PROJECT's shows as well but didn't really have time to work on that yet)

PULSE - Afterlife

WHIZDOM - Atlantis

RAM-ZET - Exsecutus

XERATH - False History

Feel free to visit my studio website ( for more of course...


Thanks guys :)
Oh dude, I was in Vegas and SOOOOOO bored, didn't like the city at all... :D

Oh and by the way on the production side, I'm switching to Reaper at the moment, fed up with Logic and Cubase (and won't pay for PTHD) ;)
Seems that we saw the same stuff : Las Vegas, Monument Valley, Bryce Canyon and Grand Canyon.
Awesome places !!

For the rest, great pics, that must be a hell of a trip...
I wish I would have known you were doing FOH for that tour, I would have bought you a beer when you rolled through Cleveland. Was a great show BTW, good job on the FOH.
Will read upon the rest later Brett, but great job on pulse! been talking to Xavier (who's in that project) quite a bit, and we both are very impressed. job well done!
Dude! Parachutes! How was that?
Amazing!!! Not that scary, I was more scared when I decided to do it than doing it. :D I would love to do it again though, cause now I know what to expect and would appreciate much more.

I wish I would have known you were doing FOH for that tour, I would have bought you a beer when you rolled through Cleveland. Was a great show BTW, good job on the FOH.
Yeah, Peabody's was a very small venue but it turned out all right considering almost everybody was sick that day :)
I had a walk to the Public Square, amazing place! First place in the world to be lightened by electricity.

Will read upon the rest later Brett, but great job on pulse! been talking to Xavier (who's in that project) quite a bit, and we both are very impressed. job well done!
Cool, thanks! :headbang:
Impressive. I would have loved so much touring with btbam and devin, they are such wonderful musicians...

Il y a plus de 6 mois j'ai failli participer au projet d'un de tes anciens co-musiciens de kalisia... Loïc ;) T'es toujours à Montpellier ? Car j'y vis aussi et ça m'a fait tripper de découvrir que "Brett du forum Sneap" est de chez moi :)