So yeah, uh, soccer's pretty interesting actually

You can be 75 fucking years old and play golf.

Do you realize that baseball is more than just "swing swing hope it goes somewhere?"

The pitching strategy involved is light years above. "Watch me swing my phillipinegro putter"
Reign in Acai said:
Do you realize that baseball is more than just "swing swing hope it goes somewhere?"

The pitching strategy involved is light years above. "Watch me swing my phillipinegro putter"
yes, i played baseball for several years. yes, its hard to hit. but theres no constant action or timed intervals like in any other sport.
but theres no constant action or timed intervals like in any other sport.

this totally threw me for a loop the one time I went to a baseball game ... I had no idea the game even started :loco:
I'm going to watch some games of the World Cup this year for the first time ever. That FOOSBALL match I saw last week really opened my eyes. Good shit.

PS: I didn't read this thread, 75 posts in ya'll are probably talking about anal sex with monkies by now.
I'll have to go to bars or a friend's house I guess, since I refuse to pay for television.
MadeInNewJersey said:
I've been loving Fox Sports World channel lately, they broadcast a shitton of Euro club matches (English, French, Italian & German).

Spare a thought for me whenever you watch a game involving Saint-Etienne. They're my heart and soul.

I don't know who I'm supposed to go for, USA or Germany. Cuz like, one is the place I dun be and born, and the other is where the majority of my heritage lies.

I am so con-fu-sed! [/Ricky Retardo]