SOB official now playing thread

new Septic Flesh (not as brutal as last one but still good)
Evoken - A Caress of the Void (played it like 5 days in a row too/from work)
Sear Bliss - Glory and Perdition (I love these guys, gotta love a black metal band using trombone/trumpet in the music! Awesome stuff!)
I liked SF's first 2 albums the best, is it more like those albums?

Listened to talk radio all day Nice Burak scandal going on, woo hoo!

Hmm, I'd have to dig them up to compare. It isn't as hard/heavy as Sumerian Daemons was (nor quite as fast but it does have fast moments). Maybe it's the production....still good stuff. Only bad one by them was Revolution DNA and that happened to be my 2nd purchse (first was Ophidian Wheel). I need to see what I am missing and try and obtain them. They are expensive for some of the older ones, like Esoptron (love his vocals on that, so f-n deep!). Great stuff by them, wish they'd come here to play, especially since they were "all done" before Sumerian came out and now another new one.
New live anathema cd "A moment it time"

New Dissmember
New Deicide
Mr. Vertigo Letters to Leane
Newest Virgin Black
In Remembreance
Wraith Of Ropes
Thanks to Gravity
Novembers Doom TNR
Shroud Demos 1 week till studio woo hoo!!!!
New Tiamat
Rough mix of an arrangement for new Mired In Twilight track. May add a bit more drums to it (different pattern(s)) or something else. But so far I am liking the way my buddy did the arrangement so far. It needs some tweaking and mastering if we leave it as is.