SOB official now playing thread

Slayer SOH
Fall Of Empyrean ALR
Iron Maiden ssoass
Pyrexia Hatred and disgust, Sermon Of Mockery
Suffocation Pierced from Within
MDB Deeper Down EP, and ALODK
Septic Flesh Mystic Places Of Dawn
Bolt Thrower Realm Of Chaos
Obituary Cause Of Death
Asphyx The Rack
Paramecium Exhumed Of The Earth
Dear Dan,

Please to give me a copy of that. I can't leak via phone or work and ummm I bought your daughter a present? It really wasn't my intention to not get there until 9 months *after* she was born with clothing at newborn size! We sort of suck at this hanging out in a timely fashion thing. Hell, SOPE is still technically supposed to schedule our first jam and we split what... two years ago?
Listened to

Mr Vertigo - letters to Lean about 4 times today, love it
New Virgin Black (great review by the way man)
Asphyx the rack

And of all things, our album ...Of Ages, and I must say, it's been about 2 years since I had heard that, and I still love all those songs however imbarrising the production is, it still rocks, had some big memories of life , love and tragedy whilst listening this morning. I can't wait to re record them with all the new parts, next album after ABW will be that one (The Fools Lament)
I don't know what to think of that record yet. I can say it's my least favorite, simply because Rowan's voice is what makes that band imho. Nice use of re-ocouring themes though, I did notice the enitre album is a reflection of the other album, I think it may be a bit too much at times though. I will need more listens though before my final verdict.