Karmic speedy meatmonger Jun 9, 2002 9,368 113 63 39 Gothenburg, Sweden Visit site Mar 11, 2008 #21 REETAAASSSS ÅHHH HAN RETASSSS
azal love is the answer Nov 12, 2002 10,888 16 38 43 Belgrade, Serbia Visit site Mar 11, 2008 #22 is that the sound of an orgasm when the riff starts? I think I would have had a heart attack if I was there, that album makes life worth living.
is that the sound of an orgasm when the riff starts? I think I would have had a heart attack if I was there, that album makes life worth living.
stefan86 invariably off-topic Feb 19, 2003 47,441 367 83 38 Stockholm, Sweden www.deathdoom.com Mar 11, 2008 #23 heh I was gonna see that but I missed out. katatonia pwned anyways
slashvanyoung Dopefish lives! Jul 18, 2006 4,457 2 38 Germany Mar 11, 2008 #24 stefan86 said: heh I was gonna see that but I missed out. katatonia pwned anyways Click to expand... You missed THAT?? Dude, what's wrong with you?
stefan86 said: heh I was gonna see that but I missed out. katatonia pwned anyways Click to expand... You missed THAT?? Dude, what's wrong with you?
FretsAflame Undercover Shredder Sep 8, 2003 4,250 48 48 39 Funkytown Mar 11, 2008 #25 Holy fuck is that Matthias playing with sol niger? omg awesome
Jeff-Loomis-fan Member Oct 13, 2003 3,387 3 38 38 NL - Gelderland Mar 11, 2008 #26 serious is that matthias? damn i wish i was there...
CrazySheriff CrazySheriff Oct 27, 2006 38 0 6 Sweden Mar 11, 2008 #27 Karmic said: REETAAASSSS ÅHHH HAN RETASSSS Click to expand... Hehe.. inte att man va nykter inte Va ju i sån jävla extas så hade knappt ord överhuvudtaget
Karmic said: REETAAASSSS ÅHHH HAN RETASSSS Click to expand... Hehe.. inte att man va nykter inte Va ju i sån jävla extas så hade knappt ord överhuvudtaget
WhiteBeastofWotan Apostitutes! May 22, 2003 31,057 123 63 36 Philly Visit site Mar 11, 2008 #28 They're speaking in tongues!
CrazySheriff CrazySheriff Oct 27, 2006 38 0 6 Sweden Mar 11, 2008 #29 azal said: is that the sound of an orgasm when the riff starts? I think I would have had a heart attack if I was there, that album makes life worth living. Click to expand... I can honestly say that after this show i can die now without any regrets!! zombie::Smug:
azal said: is that the sound of an orgasm when the riff starts? I think I would have had a heart attack if I was there, that album makes life worth living. Click to expand... I can honestly say that after this show i can die now without any regrets!! zombie::Smug:
Brooks Eyes Wide Open Nov 15, 2001 6,453 20 38 Bay Area, California skloid.blogspot.com Mar 11, 2008 #30 Eight thumbs up to whoever's going... Sol Niger Within will stand the test of eternity! PS. obZen rocks my heiney-hole
Eight thumbs up to whoever's going... Sol Niger Within will stand the test of eternity! PS. obZen rocks my heiney-hole