Solens Rötter on Internet?

On a somewhat related note (to this thread), I haven't seen the cover art for the new release yet but the title alone was enough to inspire me to throw a little something together with an image from the recent solar eclipse and the Vintersorg logo ... I am no artist, but thought maybe someone else might appreciate it.


Nice work! A tiny version of the (very pretty) actual cover can be seen here.
On a somewhat related note (to this thread), I haven't seen the cover art for the new release yet but the title alone was enough to inspire me to throw a little something together with an image from the recent solar eclipse and the Vintersorg logo ... I am no artist, but thought maybe someone else might appreciate it.



That's really nice! That's the color scheme I envisioned for this album!
spoiler of the week

there's a song on Solens Rötter about Marie Curie, the french physicist who discovered radiation.
I'm not going to say which song...the swedes will probably figure this out pretty fast
Im going to sleep outside the record store 26th of April.
I cant wait to have this album. I dont think it will be better than Cosmic Genesis, Till Fjälls and Ôdemarkens Son. That is almost impossible. Those albums are as good as it gets.
But Solens Rötter will for sure be the best album of 2007.
I think that one of me mates was listening to the album some hours ago. I saw one of the song titles after his name on MSN (the function "what am I listening to?"). Is the album finished yet? Or is it just some incomplete stuff?
well as we all see in this thread, it's been leaked and I can safely say that albums usually get leaked from one month to two months prior to the official release date.

I guess this is so because this is probably the time when the promo cd's are sent wherever they are supposed to be sent(i don't really know where but i assume it's some record stores and radio stations and such) and it's enough for one guy who works in a record store that takes the promo and rips it to mp3's and that's enough for it to spread all over the internet.
judging by the leakage time i'd say this is the finnished product...though there has been a case of fiona apple's last album where it was leaked but not released until a long time after...the album was different from the one that was leaked...what happened was that fiona didn't like the final mixes and changed producers so there are two versions of the album
That album cover is pretty nice, I don't know what it will be like with lyrics completely in Swedish which I can't sing too but I'm sure I will enjoy it none the less even though I would of liked a few in English.

Also this is going to take me forever to get in New Zealand.

Also I hope there is a ballad type track at the end of the album like on the others ;).
First track is my favourite so far.
lol @ submarine noises

Anyway, new Waterclime sounds nice.
After hearing Cronian which I was somewhat dissapointed with, I didn't expect to enjoy Waterclime but The Astral Factor was awesome, one of my favourite albums overall. Makes me want to dance... funny enough.
I'm inclined to agree with Väinämöisen Viikate.
Wether people download or not I don't really care about, long as the buy it later, but discussing the pirated album and posting spoilers two months before the releasedate - on the bands official forum - just seems disrespectful to me.
come on...that's not even that of a spoiler
I didn't say which song, didn't post any lyrics
there's also a song about a glacier lake...guess which one?

so yeah the cat's out of the bag and I heard the album and I know i'm being kind of a hypocrit becasue I said earlier that people who downloaded the album should keep it to themselves.
but fuck it, I couldn't help it...I had to hear it and it's fucking åsome
and off course I'll buy the album when it comes out.