Some advice on doom.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
I remember when there was only heavy metal, but today it seems you need a thousand silly tags to define a band. Tags are meaningless to me, but I will appreciate some examples to enlighten me.

So please recommend me a band(s) that defines:

  1. funeral doom
  2. drone doom

Pelican aren't even close to being drone. I don't know why everyone says they are drone. Boris only has a few even remotely drone-y albums (only Absolutego is unadulterated drone). Cult Of luna are heavy, repetitive "sludgecore."

For drone, go with the first Earth album (Earth 2) or Sunn O)))'s ØØ Void.

As for funeral doom, nothing typifies a genre as easily as a band who singlehandedly invents it. Thus, Thergothon. Their only album Stream From The Heavens is an absolute masterpiece.
Skepticism - Stormcrowfleet for funeral doom.

Drone isn't even music, it's noise. Fuck off the noise trying to pass as music.
You're sort of just assuming it's trying to be passed as music, there, buddy.

I generally do have a hard time defining where music ends and sound begins. Being a noise/abstract experimental artist myself, I don't refer to my work as "songs" as much as "tracks", and I'm OK with people not considering it music (music tends to have beats, structure, etc. while almost everyting I do is chaotic, though sometimes ambience-influenced)...but, here's a question. Do you consider ambient music to be "music"? By ambient I mean beatless, calm music (field recordings included)...
V.V.V.V.V. said:
You're sort of just assuming it's trying to be passed as music, there, buddy.

I generally do have a hard time defining where music ends and sound begins. Being a noise/abstract experimental artist myself, I don't refer to my work as "songs" as much as "tracks", and I'm OK with people not considering it music (music tends to have beats, structure, etc. while almost everyting I do is chaotic, though sometimes ambience-influenced)...but, here's a question. Do you consider ambient music to be "music"? By ambient I mean beatless, calm music (field recordings included)...

That doesn't make any god damn sense, If its beatless calm music like field recordings, why in the fuck would anyone buy a cd of that. If I want to relax Ill just go outside in the woods next to my house.
BlackMetalTyrant said:
That doesn't make any god damn sense, If its beatless calm music like field recordings, why in the fuck would anyone buy a cd of that. If I want to relax Ill just go outside in the woods next to my house.

being black you probably cant understand why anyone would listen to music without a groovin' rhythm section or something but us evolved beings have more refined tastes
I hardly think Noise or Field Recordings are music, but whether it is enjoyable is a different thing.

and now, random quotes:

"The challenge of noise is not so much that we want to eliminate it completely but rather that we would like to be able to control it. An enviroment that is too quiet can be disturbing. Some noise sounds, such as the patter of rain, or wind sounds, are rythmically pleasing, functioning as a mask over irritating sounds, making meditation, sleeping, mental conentration, relaxing or listening to music, much more pleasureable. Phono records are available which supply calming noise for enviroments which do not have it. Unfortunately, the word "noise" carries an unhappy connotation, implying that all noise is undesirable"

"Some noise is Soporific; some will set your teeth on edge. Noise is usually given a bad character reference since it so undesirable in many applications. Yet we are so accustiomeed to it that a completely silent world is unthinkable"

"..The problem is that whether a sound is noise or not is subjective. In some instances noise is musical. Recordings have been made and sold of noise. In the 1950's Gilbert Briggs, then head of Wharfedale Wireless Works in England, demonstrated some noise recordings in New York's Carnegie Hall."

yeah that was pointless but read it anyway
I think 'Evoken' might be either drone or funeral doom. They are from NY. Every Evoken album is worth hearing. You will not hear anything like 'evoken'. They are genuinly an amazing listen. The band has their own identity which alone one of the most important aspects in music. Their music is collosal but at the sametime very atmospheric,pleasing. It's really heavy but not harsh or annoying. Evoken still have riffs,structers,interesting drumming,even piano,melody,etc.. It's not just pointless noise like say khanate(no offence to fans) that's more based on a noise to create an atmopheric setting. Evoken do not throw out the musical,instrumentation aspect to create a unique crushing sound.

I'd start with the song:
Lost Kingdom Of Darkness

You might want to check out Buried At Sea 'migration' also.
Sunn O))) bore the fuck out of me. I really can't get into them. They don't even have real riffs, or any kind of melody in their music. It's just a monotonous, droning soundscape that hurts my ears.
They do have riffs (generally no more than 3 per song though, and even then, they are only really really subtle changes), listening to Sunn at 200% speed is pretty cool actually. Try falling asleep to 00 Void or the re-release of their Grimmrobe Demos...that may help you get into them. I remember first listening to them, I used to make fun of them constantly, wondering how anybody could enjoy it. Every now and then I enjoy chilling out to 00 Void (it's easily their best and most consistent album), but I like all their albums.

Evoken could be considered funeral doom. Pretty good band, I enjoy Quietus. Buried At Sea are drone-y sludge doom...excellent band.