some fucking ground problem with my guitar, HELP!?!


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2008
right this guitars been out of action for a long ass fucking time and its tiring me the fuck out now

ok so
every time i plug my guitar into SOMETHING, whether it be an instrument input on an interface, dedicated di box, guitar amp (and ive tried a bunch, my 5150, my shitty practice amp, all the college amps..) i get this loud ass fucking buzzing noise
its like SO loud you basically cant hear playing
i figure this is some sort of ground problem considering its a buzz, but i have no idea what im talking about when it comes to wiring shit
no idea where to start, too poor to take this shit to a tech

anyone got any ideas?
i got a wiring diagram but it all seems pretty solid in the guitar, so i dont fuckin know.

EDIT: apart from the fact that the output jack only has one wire soldered to it, rather than two as shown OMEN7.pdf here.
its missing the "sleeve (ground)" thing from the tone pot to the output jack, but i cant find a fucking wire that isnt connected to something.

thats a good point
im preeeetty sure the neck pickup does it too though :S

lemme check
both the neck pickup and bridge pup have the same amount of this fucking buzzing shit
If all wires are in place ie. it matches your diagram then it could be a bad solder joint. That would require you to resolder by process of elimination or get a multi-meter and google how to check for ground.
right this guitars been out of action for a long ass fucking time and its tiring me the fuck out now

ok so
every time i plug my guitar into SOMETHING, whether it be an instrument input on an interface, dedicated di box, guitar amp (and ive tried a bunch, my 5150, my shitty practice amp, all the college amps..) i get this loud ass fucking buzzing noise
its like SO loud you basically cant hear playing
i figure this is some sort of ground problem considering its a buzz, but i have no idea what im talking about when it comes to wiring shit
no idea where to start, too poor to take this shit to a tech

anyone got any ideas?
i got a wiring diagram but it all seems pretty solid in the guitar, so i dont fuckin know.

EDIT: apart from the fact that the output jack only has one wire soldered to it, rather than two as shown OMEN7.pdf here.
its missing the "sleeve (ground)" thing from the tone pot to the output jack, but i cant find a fucking wire that isnt connected to something.


Just take a wire from the back of one of the pots, and use that wire to ground the jack, as the diagram shows, and see if that solves the problem.
Just take a wire from the back of one of the pots, and use that wire to ground the jack, as the diagram shows, and see if that solves the problem.

+1. You definitely need to run a ground wire to the jack.