i'm going to get some body mod done but i'm not going to be impulsive about it
i'm gonna get my eyebrows tattooed on
but i'm gonna get the eyebrow hair permanently removed first
and i won't get that hair removed till i get my facial hair permanantly removed
i've already got a scarification mark on my left bicep just underneath the shoulder but it's just a horizontal line an inch and a half long, a fourth of an inch thick, i haven't decided whether to get it covered up with a tattoo or have it expanded into a shape yet
i think i got it really close to the same day i got the quarter inch by half inch oval scarification mark in the middle of the back of my left hand which i remember that i got the hand one on the day after thanksgiving 2001
if i get the bicep one covered up with a tattoo, it's gonna be the bat-signal because Batman has no super powers, he's just a psychotic guy in a mask like The Phantom, The Shadow, The Spirit, and those "pulp" fiction heros from "the golden-age" of superheros
i love Batman because psychologically Batman is the only thing DC comics has ever done that comes anywhere close to being as adult as Marvel comics except Smallville (but even Smallville gets childish in the scenes of Clark interacting with his parents)
after i get the facial hair/eyebrow hair removal/eyebrow tattooing
i'll start taking one or more of the large number of different hormone pills that my freinds are taking to get breasts that feel more natural than the un-pleasant hard feel of breast implants
there's several hormone treatments that will allow me to continue to have erections/ejaculations because i don't feel comfortable with the genitalia alterations although i will prolly will actually have all my pubic hair permantly removed (which i've seen on several she-males)
there's a whole 10 or 12 seperate surgeries to make a males face look more feminine, but i don't really need any of them, i can already "pass" without any make-up
i'll get my ears done all the way up
and my belly button/tongue pierced with a Wiccan Star wraping around my belly button
alot of guys get a full-back tattoo of demon(s) fighting angel(s)
but i'm not a Christian so i'll get Spiderman fighting Venom but i cant find a well done "david vs goliath" looking pic of Spiderman vs Venom so i'll prolly just have the tattoo artist use the Spiderman fighting The Lizard pic from the 2006 Spiderman calendar (month of June pic) as a template
the Spiderman vs Sandman pic could easily be altered to be Spiderman vs Hydroman which i'll prolly get as a smaller tattoo on one of my arms or legs
and even though there's alot of Juggalo-haters out there (www.insaneclownposse.com) i'll prolly still get "the riddle box" and a full-color "the wraith"
"the riddle box" could be done black/white but "the wraith" would have to be full-color so it won't just look like just another "death" or "grim reaper"
Today, 05:31 AM #17 LORD_RED_DRAGON vbmenu_register("postmenu_4645630", true);
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 4,898
the Lizard vs Spiderman/Sandman vs Spiderman pix can be seen here
enlarge that tiny middle image
i'm gonna get my eyebrows tattooed on
but i'm gonna get the eyebrow hair permanently removed first
and i won't get that hair removed till i get my facial hair permanantly removed
i've already got a scarification mark on my left bicep just underneath the shoulder but it's just a horizontal line an inch and a half long, a fourth of an inch thick, i haven't decided whether to get it covered up with a tattoo or have it expanded into a shape yet
i think i got it really close to the same day i got the quarter inch by half inch oval scarification mark in the middle of the back of my left hand which i remember that i got the hand one on the day after thanksgiving 2001
if i get the bicep one covered up with a tattoo, it's gonna be the bat-signal because Batman has no super powers, he's just a psychotic guy in a mask like The Phantom, The Shadow, The Spirit, and those "pulp" fiction heros from "the golden-age" of superheros
i love Batman because psychologically Batman is the only thing DC comics has ever done that comes anywhere close to being as adult as Marvel comics except Smallville (but even Smallville gets childish in the scenes of Clark interacting with his parents)
after i get the facial hair/eyebrow hair removal/eyebrow tattooing
i'll start taking one or more of the large number of different hormone pills that my freinds are taking to get breasts that feel more natural than the un-pleasant hard feel of breast implants
there's several hormone treatments that will allow me to continue to have erections/ejaculations because i don't feel comfortable with the genitalia alterations although i will prolly will actually have all my pubic hair permantly removed (which i've seen on several she-males)
there's a whole 10 or 12 seperate surgeries to make a males face look more feminine, but i don't really need any of them, i can already "pass" without any make-up
i'll get my ears done all the way up
and my belly button/tongue pierced with a Wiccan Star wraping around my belly button
alot of guys get a full-back tattoo of demon(s) fighting angel(s)
but i'm not a Christian so i'll get Spiderman fighting Venom but i cant find a well done "david vs goliath" looking pic of Spiderman vs Venom so i'll prolly just have the tattoo artist use the Spiderman fighting The Lizard pic from the 2006 Spiderman calendar (month of June pic) as a template
the Spiderman vs Sandman pic could easily be altered to be Spiderman vs Hydroman which i'll prolly get as a smaller tattoo on one of my arms or legs
and even though there's alot of Juggalo-haters out there (www.insaneclownposse.com) i'll prolly still get "the riddle box" and a full-color "the wraith"
"the riddle box" could be done black/white but "the wraith" would have to be full-color so it won't just look like just another "death" or "grim reaper"

Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 4,898

the Lizard vs Spiderman/Sandman vs Spiderman pix can be seen here
enlarge that tiny middle image