Some Thoughts on the Eve of the Album's Release

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
Hey Guys--
Sorry I've been so scarce around here lately. It's not intentional; I've just been REALLY busy getting ready for the release, doing interviews, finishing songwriting for the third album, etc. There are a few things I wanted to address:

First off, the Japanese bonus track "controversy." Of course it's a contract requirement...there's no big scheme on our parts to make people pay a bunch of money or otherwise miss out on something. Quite the contrary; we'll make less per CD sold on the Japanese ones because they're sublicensed. As for the complaints about not getting the entire album unless you pay extra for the import, just know that Mirror of Souls was conceived as eight songs, to be presented in the order they are in...nothing more, nothing less. I'm so obsessive, that the fact that there's an extra song on there after the title track makes me crazy. I just can't even think about it without having a seizure. Don't get me wrong, I love the song--but it messes with the way MoS should be presented, in my mind. But, that's the way it goes, and since we had to do a bonus track, of course we were going to give it our best. It's kind of a no-win situation for the band, because if we record a great song like "Wages of Sin," we get the complaints that we've gotten, but if we just threw some garbage demo or b-side on there, we'd get complaints that the bonus track's not worth the money. Oh well, I'm honored that you guys think highly enough of us to pay import prices for an extra song--awesome. Anyway...don't think I'm attacking anyone here for complaints about the bonus track situation, because that's not my intent at all--I totally understand that the business model can be frustrating (remember, I'm a fan first). I just wanted to clarify things a bit there.

The next thing I want to discuss has to do with the album's release and this forum. Since we hang around this forum and try to join discussions when we can, I don't want anyone to feel like they have to curb their feelings in order to not hurt ours. If you hate the album, I promise I won't be personally offended! So discuss freely and openly. I know some other bands who hang out on their forums (I'm sure most do), but won't do it publicly because it makes them look "smaller" somehow. That's not us, guys have been so ridiculously awesome hanging in there with us that we love coming on here as time allows and being accessible. I just don't want anyone to feel censored or feel like big brother's watching. Speak your thoughts about the album freely...all I ask is that you give it several listens to sink in before you pass judgement. It's not an immediate album.

Christmas track: well, we basically wrote a new Christmas carol on Mirror of Souls; it's called "Bethlehem." :goggly: But we MAY have a little something extra for you. Kicking around some ideas at the moment.

The "autographed albums" requests: of course we'll be happy to sign anything and of course we don't want any extra money for it. Just have to figure out the logistics. Cover shipping and we'll sign most anything...outside of body parts. The post office doesn't like those too much.

The last thing is just a big, gigantic, heartfelt THANK YOU for waiting for this with us. Five years since the last album...geez, that's a long time to wait and not give up on someone. And I want each and every one of you to know that I don't take that lightly--I value it, I treasure it and I'm incredibly humbled by it. So all I can say is thanks a million times, and that I hope you'll find the album to your liking if you give it a fair shake. Just remember, even after five years, it's just an album--its not the second coming, it's not the cure for cancer--so temper your expectations accordingly. But...we feel it's a very strong album. :)

So in closing, thank you all again, enjoy, God bless, and TURN IT UP!! :rock:
Thanks to you Matt :P

Strong album doesn't even start to describe how good its Mirror Of Souls XD

P.D. the part of "finishing songwriting for the third album"......I really liked that part (i'm jumping like crazy) :P
Wow, thank you for taking the time to write this. I have been looking on this forum on a regular basis to get every musical morsel I can from it and to keep in touch with the progress of Mirror of Souls since I know the band, so about 3 years, and it has been quite the journey... a long wait, and a lot of fun too. Thank you for hanging in there and going through with the project, many people will be touched (I am one of them) and the world of metal will never be the same, having received another dose of the best christian metal out there (I don't care what anyone says, I haven't heard any better) :)
Blessings from Canada
Five years since the last album...geez, that's a long time to wait and not give up on someone.
Yeah, well, you know how to keep us drooling, with Christmas songs, April fools, video's and other teasers... Thank you for that!

But now that it's almost there, I start counting minutes, almost...
Matt & company,

A big, heartfelt congrats to all of you! I can't wait to have a physical copy in my hands.
Where should we send our stuff to, Matt? And if I were to mail you a running chainsaw, could you sign it?

Oh, and googling around for "Mirror of Souls" brought me to a site where it can be preordered (the site was something along the lines of christ metal distro... I can't remember) and it had clips from each song. I didn't hear a single thing that I didn't like. So as far as it being an 'immediate' album, yeah, I think I'm gonna like it right off the bat. Especially if On Eagles Wings is any indication. Great song.

so temper your expectations accordingly.
I am expecting that as Mirror of Souls reaches its end, all my other cds will burst aflame.
I preordered the American version and received it a few days ago.

I just have to say that this album easily blows any previous Christian metal out of the water, hands down, completely. Mirror of Souls has to be the absolute best Christian song of any kind of rock music, ever. Never before in Christian rock have I heard the entire story of human depravity and God's offer of salvation presented so well (the only time before this was "Serpent's Kiss"). I got chills down my spine at the end.

Every song on this album is destined to become a Christian metal classic. You exceeded my expectations and then some!
I received my pre-ordered copy (via Nightmare records) today in Holland. It is full of stickers and stamps, but I got it! I must admit that after the long waiting I could not resist to download the album in advance so I could have a preview.

The song that absolutely leaves me stunned is Martyr. The part that starts at 3:16 minutes (I like that number :lol:) is absolutely brilliant with the gang vocals, and then the 3 layers of singing with choirs etc. Now that I have the booklet as well I can also read what is being sung. Followed by a nice Queen like innuendo guitar bridge, it is really good.

Matt, I am glad that you found the courage to finish the project.
Shawn, you are an incredible good drummer. You're not only replacing the drum computer of the previous album but taking all the songs up to a very high level!
Jon, I don't know your exact contribution but I bet you were a big motivation for the other band members to get going!

Guys you can be very proud of this CD!
The part that starts at 3:16 minutes (I like that number :lol:) is absolutely brilliant with the gang vocals, and then the 3 layers of singing with choirs etc.

Hey Matt, Jon & Shawn. I just have to say that this album is amazing. I had so high expectations and I'm still completely overwhelmed. And the title song... wow... I have to say, and I REALLY mean it: This is the BEST song I've heard in my entire life! Everytime I hear it I get completely blown away.

Thank you for everything. I know you've been through a lot to make this album.
God bless you guys. Again and again and again.