Your thoughts on the horn sign with your hands.


Nov 22, 2011
Coon Rapids, Minnesota
So, most of you probably know what I'm talking about when I say the horn sign.

Personally, I think it's a sign of satan, or a salute to him. When I was younger, I always thought it just meant rock on. Till about 10 years ago. Then recently I did a Google search on it. And it's said it was used to warn off evil spirits way back with Italy or something. And that somebody from the band Dio brought into the metal scene. Who claims it has nothing to do with worshiping satan. But we all know the devil is very tricky and deceitful. And metal was used to spread satanic stuff. Also means "I love you" in sign language. But even still, it just feels not right to even make that hand gesture. Maybe it's just a personal thing from seeing what lots of people use it for now days.

I dunno, I just think it's weird to see a Christian person use it. It's like seeing someone that's against gangs throwin up gang signs. Why? Even that dude who's the head of the church of satan uses it.

So I'm just wondering what some of yalls take on it is. You think it's just a harmless gesture that society has tried to take and add it's own meaning to it? Think it's a sign, salute, acknowledgment of satan? I'd like to know.
Anything not done to the Glory of God is a sin.

People ask all the wrong questions. It isn't about what you do, but why.

Shooting someone in the head is generally bad, yet if someone had a gun in that school in Connecticut and shot the assailant, the would have been a hero.
IMO, signs are about intent. While it might have been a satanic sign to some people back in the day, it now means "rock on" or "we're in the same metal brotherhood" for 99% of the metal fans who do it.

I felt uneasy about it (and didn't do it) for many years. Now I enjoy it for what it means to virtually everyone in the metal scene.

"I love you" is a different sign - thumb out, vs. in for \m/
There is no true or inherent meaning of a sign. To the signer, it means whatever the signer intended it to mean. To the viewer, it may mean something else if the viewer misunderstands the signers intent.

By itself, it's just two fingers.
I see what yall are saying. Thanks for the opinions :)

I kinda see it in the same way now as if someone or a group of people was to take/claim the thumbs up signal and deem it satanic from here on out. It is what you make it I guess. I still don't think I'll be throwing it up though, lol.

Thanks again.

And thanks for clearing up the "i love you" hand sign difference.
"somebody from the band Dio"

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I think at some point, people thought that it was "the horns" - around 80s and 90s. I think now for the newer generation, it is just a sign of respect for "doing metal good" so if you're at a metal show, giving this hand gesture is telling the band they are good to you. I've seen it at Christian concerts tons of times...

Obviously though, if you think you are worshipping the devil by doing it, don't do it.

I do a modified gesture, but just because I like it better. The "wolfpack" sign:
I had a conversation about this with one of the writers at 'What Christians Want To Know', and he advocated against using these. He said he prefers to raise his closed fist instead, and we also talked about raising your index finger. I'm not sure how I feel about the 'horns' anymore. I used them for years, but according to this guy they used to be used to represent Satan, and if that's true then I certainly don't want to be sending the wrong message by using them. On the other hand, I have yet to actually meet someone who uses them to worship Satan. Granted, the guy on this Christian blog also advocated for not listening to secular metal and listening solely to Christian metal (though he likes Killswitch Engage), so take his opinion for what you will. Actually, I think he preferred that Christians not listen to secular music at all. I personally still listen to some secular music, but after hearing so many opinions I sometimes wonder if it's really okay. Another writer on the same blog suggested that secular music is fine as long as it doesn't promote sin and isn't anti-God, so for now I use that as my guideline.

Anyway, I think for the time being I'll just use the 'love' symbol if I choose to use anything. I saw a Christian monk who was in a metal band, and he used that instead of the horns.
Lol, really?.. Sorry I guess? Hahah.. Anyways ^_^

I watched the vid that was posted. Though you mentioned the horn sign, I don't recall ya going into the history of em and how they came about n why people use em. Though I guess most of that may be a mystery, I guess. Interesting vid though.

Something else I came across was, the lady that made/invented the sign language horn sign for I love you was involved in some kind of cult. Even though one has the thumb out, it's still basically the same thing, in my opinion. And doing it just doesn't feel right inside of me. But same can be said for lots of things for each person I guess. I just feel it was made to show love for satan, or some kind of way of keeping him in peoples minds and lives. I can't really word what I'm trying to say, but I'm sure yall get the gist of it. I mean, it was popularized with metal when it started, and we know there was a lot of negative looks at metal since most of it was about embracing evil, being rebellious on some "do what thou wilt" type stuff.

Music has a huge influence and impact on peoples lives and how they live em. Especially with kids and teens. Something I myself can't stress hard enough. It'll affect some people more than others. I don't listen to purely Christian music myself, but I definently don't listen to music that glorifies sin anymore. Like the song may not be about God n Jesus n whatnot, but will be a try to make the right choices song, pointing out wrong things going on n stuff like that.

I won't get too deep into Illuminati behind the scenes with music, TV n what not. But music is a good way to spread a certain lifestyle, and agenda n whatnot quickly, across a nation. The stuff has a lot of power. Look at the horns. Back then I'm only guessing it had to do with the devil and representing evil and rebellion. And now it's just a common thing that people do but may not realize what they're doing. Not saying that throwin up the horns will be the deciding factor on if you'll make it into Heaven or not lol. But I'm just sayin. Even in the Bible I think it said a sign of the end coming closer is when we start accepting sin and evil as nothin but a thing/normal/so?. Like why is a movie like the Terminator, 300, or Brave Heart entertaining to me? Cats gettin heads blown off, chopped off n stuff, ya know? Just so much of it promoted since I was young, it seemed normal.

Sorry for going wayyy off into left field from the topic. I could go on for a while about the music and TV stuff.

But I guess everything belongs to God. So it's just how you feel about it. But I still think it sends a bad signal out to people. And over the years we've just accepted it as this or that. But that's just me.

I remember watching a video of an ex witch craft dude talking about occult signs n symbols and all that in jewelry and clothes and, basically everything lol. And dude asked "Now what symbols does God have? None, he don't need any to signify his existence" lol. I thought that was pretty cool.
Look, if it bothers you how about you go and do a particularly good deed every time you go to a metal concert and use the symbol. It's definitely more Christian than just talking about the philosophy behind it.
Something else I came across was, the lady that made/invented the sign language horn sign for I love you was involved in some kind of cult. Even though one has the thumb out, it's still basically the same thing, in my opinion.

This is bullcrap. The ASL for "I Love You" came about because it's a combination of "I" (pinky) and "L" (thumb and index finger). Conveniently, the pinky and thumb also form a "Y". Hence "ILY" or "I Love You"
Seems like the other members on this board are finally becoming a bit feistier. I approve. This man doesn't know who Dio is and is trying too hard to be a good Christian. Do with him what you will, gentlemen.
Seems like the other members on this board are finally becoming a bit feistier. I approve. This man doesn't know who Dio is and is trying too hard to be a good Christian. Do with him what you will, gentlemen.
Haha :lol:

On a serious note, I think his way of thinking is admirable but he's being too hard on himself.
This is bullcrap. The ASL for "I Love You" came about because it's a combination of "I" (pinky) and "L" (thumb and index finger). Conveniently, the pinky and thumb also form a "Y". Hence "ILY" or "I Love You"

Hmm. Yea, well it is the internet I guess. Wether it be on Wikipedia or some random forum, one just has to choose wether to believe what they see/read or not.

This link is where I saw the whole horn thing being discussed and the claim that Helen Keller was an occultist and a Theosophist and used it for that. Something along those lines. I haven't went through it all yet. Just scroll down a few post. Some interesting stuff and discussion in there.

But that goes back to saying how someone can take something and deem it x or y. Cause dem satanist definetly use that sign for that purpose. So just cause one takes something and makes it popular can't mean it was intended for that. Even though it's connected very well within that kind of stuff. Kind of like how gays took the rainbow to signify their thing.. So like for people who liked rainbows/rainbow colored stuff before can't like em or use em no more cause a group claimed it? Nah.. Like I said, that's like me taking the simple thumbs up which we all know it means well, like "good job" or "ok" or whatever. And get famous, use that and deem it as "stick it up your arse!" It catches on and Lady Gaga and people on TV n in the spotlight starts using it for the same reason. Blast the idea of it on TV and such. Then 5+ years later, it means something completely different from what we know of it now.

So I guess it just is what you mean it to be in the end. But just have to be prepared for judging by others for using it by some since it's so closely connected with satanic stuff. Just like if one wears baggy clothes, it'll be assumed they like rap music. Just how it is. Gotta expect it.

Seems like the other members on this board are finally becoming a bit feistier. I approve. This man doesn't know who Dio is and is trying too hard to be a good Christian. Do with him what you will, gentlemen.

Hahahah. Really? Err Merr Gerrd he durrzent know who Dio is and is trying too hard, grab the torches and weapons mob! The approval has been made! lol. Here's how much I care......... Wanna see me do it again? :) (That's a joke by the way, don't take it so surrierrsly).
Listen, I have news for you. Nothing belongs to Satan. Nothing. He and God aren't in some sort of eternal struggle. God could destroy Satan with a thought. The ONLY way to actually glorify Satan is to WANT to glorify Satan. So the ILY sign or even the devil's horns aren't doing anything for Satan unless they are intended to by the signer.
Hahahah. Really? Err Merr Gerrd he durrzent know who Dio is and is trying too hard, grab the torches and weapons mob! The approval has been made! lol. Here's how much I care......... Wanna see me do it again? :) (That's a joke by the way, don't take it so surrierrsly).

Do you even lift?