Seriously guys STOP WRITING SUCH CATCHY MUSIC!!!! I haven't stopped listening to this since it came in the mail, absolutely stunning...and it gets better with each listen! No weak tracks, fillers, or bad points, definitely Divinely inspired.
I AM - feels like God is just speaking to my heart. The middle part with the piano is totally headbanging mania!! Probably my So good!!
The Master Storyteller - is like the story of God writing the Bible, with the chorus sticking in your head for days. Great solo too.
Nailed - Its amazing how Theocracy can make such a heavy song, then turn the chorus into a praise/powerful song with a breakdown in the end...
One of the best on the album for sure and one of my new favorite songs.
Hide in the Fairytale - Chorus and ending is so catchy! Amazing lyrics of the old/new man (never thought I'd hear that concept in a METAL song!!
The Gift of Music - Took a while to get into but now its one of my favorites! So emotional and passionate...Its like Matt just telling us his heart for music. Double bass anyone??? AMAZING!!!
30 Pieces of Silver - Beginning riff is heavyyyy! Didn't love the chorus at i can't stop singing it!! Lyrics make you think (as all of Matt's does) and the solo is so sweet! Val. you are such a good shredder!! Some other shredders don't have feeling or emotion but you play so effortlessly and beautiful...oh and fast!!!
Drown - Love that beginning riff (though i do wish it lasted longer...). The chorus i think more experimental in the chord structure? Its very good though and the lyrics are awesome! How he can turn a Bible story into everyday life while still maintaining the emotion of the story that happened so long ago is great!
Altar to the Unknown God - Where to begin!?!? Awesome chorus, awesome verse, awesome solos. What a song!! Top 3 on the album for sure. And that riff in the middle is so headbangingly ingenius!!! So heavy!! Beast song
Light of the World - A little turned off by the intro as it sounded a little cheesy. But the verse is very powerful. This one is not as much of a headbanger as a catchy power metal song i think, but i love those so this is no exception. Lyrics are good and very challenging as a Christian and it seems like this song is definitely aimed at Christians so its not as mainstream, but i love this one.
As the World Bleeds - Wow! Took me like 5 listens to fully grasp this one as there is a lot going on, and the chorus originally didn't grab me like others did, but now i can see just how good this is!! Brutal riff near the end and VERY challenging and convicting lyrics that are so true!
Thanks Matt and all the guys for not being ashamed to speak the truth and having awesome music!!!