dead soul
- Jun 27, 2002
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ah, nice one cedar *thumb up*cedarbreed said:I couldn't fucking agree more yeah !
Dhatura said:I'm a Sagittarius, yehee, kid of the Sun. :Spin:
Lenore said:What do you reckon of them cedar? me own conclusion was that they were totally untrustful, false and dead hypocrite.
I never met a psychologist who was a scorpio and I met many of them... I mean students, because a thoughtful psychologist never would tell his patient when he was bornnomana-nuniyan said:Pisces can be secretive and seemingly self motivated this way without do cause, but it's usually for self-preservation to protect their high emotional sensivity. They're quite psychic and tend to pick up a lot of other people's emotional status and can sometimes not distinguish if it is theirs or someone elses. Unnerving and need to protect.
Scorpios and secretive and manipulative and self-serving because they are either narcissists, sociopaths, enjoy controlling people completely, and lastly because they LIKE to be evil.
Frodnat, psychology is a scorpio dominated profession, all of you love it, whether it is for the above reasons or just because they do. psychology/religious bend.
Though there are scorpios that I respect with everything I've got.... Crowley and our medicine man, Gilly Running, are two.
I usually start by really liking a scorpio, very charismatic people and descend into bitter hatred of them pretty rapidly. I can admire them from a distance though if I haven't previously had a bad experience with them.
Frodnat said:You expand your little hypothesis until it seems to fit... ehhh... The gordian knot seems to have so many colours...![]()
hmmmm...nomana-nuniyan said:Oh, ooooh, and you don't everytime you start over analyzing?![]()
come on trona, Freud is long dead and most of his work was very important, even if most of his work is obsolete nowadays. This is science. You build up a hypothesis so that you can either falsify it or prove it. It doesn´t matter at all, because it brings you further. We have 2004 now and things has changed, things are different. Astrology has its basis in the medieval time and earlier. It was born in a world were not much knowledge of even simple things were collected. It is a very, very old model. It doesn´t mean that it is wrong but there isn´t any prove that it is right.nomana-nuniyan said:Hey man, I'm just giving you more of info of my experiences, that's all.
Psychology is peudo-pseudo, thee worst pseudo. It's based on NO fact and is more insidious because we have an entire world that bases it's entire psychological format/ self reflection, and treatment of mental illness on the THEORIES , unprovable by any scientific method, period, on the work of a COKE ADDICT named Freud! Who was himself INSANE.
Frodnat said:Everyone has its own model in his brain. Models that have to prove that they are adequate to the world outside. If the model inside is far away from reality than you have a serious problem, because then you can´t understand what is going on. Views are obscured. Maybe you understand deep inside what is the matter, but you push it aside, because it hurts! Aggression, anger, hate, frustration and depression follows... The target is the inside and the outside. A world inside and one outside.![]()
Dora said:BULLSHIT!!!! Frodnat, you started to talk complete bollox, and I cannot take it any moreand I wont argue on it!! dont even ask for an explanation. cos it wont change anything. useless. it still will hurt, i will still be blind and WOUNDED and ooooh, my forgotten memories which I cant recall.. doctor doctor, ah, i go smoke a joint, ffs.