someone leaked tge on soulseek

I am going to go against my principles with this album and not download and listen before I buy it. Wish me luck.
I'm still enjoying the EOR remix, it's like a brand new piece of music on it's own. That in itself will tide me over.

I thought all the promo's had anti-copy codes in them. Well, that didn't work. Some promos are even being printed with the writers name on them, etc., and somehow being coded that's who they're from if they do get leaked. I'm not sure what label does this, but it's the promo's that go out. It all starts there, and a friend gets a burn early. Then it's all down hill from there. Too bad they can't make self destruct promo's. Get about 10 solid listens, enough for the writer to get prepared for an interview, or whatever, then GA BLAM! gone.
Satans Mom said:
I'm still enjoying the EOR remix, it's like a brand new piece of music on it's own. That in itself will tide me over.

I thought all the promo's had anti-copy codes in them. Well, that didn't work. Some promos are even being printed with the writers name on them, etc., and somehow being coded that's who they're from if they do get leaked. I'm not sure what label does this, but it's the promo's that go out. It all starts there, and a friend gets a burn early. Then it's all down hill from there. Too bad they can't make self destruct promo's. Get about 10 solid listens, enough for the writer to get prepared for an interview, or whatever, then GA BLAM! gone.

anything can be cracked.
Very true, and I'm proud (well....?) to say that I was able to do it myself, to make a back up copy of something that I own. I bought that shit fair and square, I should be able to make myself a copy. I use burns in my car, rather than the origanals, and very true. Even a tard like moi can get through shit like that.
Waiting for the next Nevermore album patiently has become a fond tradition of mine. With the exception of the original mix of EOR (I still loved the album, just felt the band had been severely fuckered) it's something that has never disappointed, so I can anticipate without anxiety. Since I actually got into nevermore with their initial release, I've been doing this for almost ten years now. It's nice to have some traditions.

Ack I'm old.
the album rules, enough said.

i'm definitly buying this, the day it comes out.
Definitely not downloading it early, the only reason to download an album before it's released is to see if it's good enough to purchase, and with Nevermore, it goes without saying that the new album is gonna kickass. I'm not even gonna download a preview song from Century Media if they provide it, I want the whole CD to be totally brand new. TGE comes out the same day as the new Arch Enemy, so I'm eagerly looking forward to that Tuesday.
im a little wary of what the production on the new one will sound like. sneap is a great producer for that really heavy and clear sound, but that sound doesnt seem to fit nevermore as well as the sounds that kernon was getting on POE and DNB. dead heart is missing something in the feeling department. it just sounds like everyone else, heavy and chugga chug. fine for certain styles, but with nevermore it seems to kill the atmosphere by just glossing over the grit. i havent even bothered to check out the remix of EoR for this very reason. sneap = good, but sneap + nevermore = not so good (on dead heart anyway). guess we'll see.
NEal you bring up a good point IMO. I don't understand why so many of these "great" producers are so easily identifiable with the albums they've worked on. No matter what the band is....alot of the times the producer/mixer is instantly identifiable. I feel that takes away from the individual qualities of alot of the bands.

I'm not saying Andy's not awesome (he is..I like the sound of his work) But him along with several other's just have this signature sound that I think should belong to the bands...not the producers.

If the band wants to sound a certain way the producer's own taste for sounds shouldn't really come into play I feel.

I don't get it...why isn't their any Variety?
Satans Mom said:
Very true, and I'm proud (well....?) to say that I was able to do it myself, to make a back up copy of something that I own. I bought that shit fair and square, I should be able to make myself a copy. I use burns in my car, rather than the origanals, and very true. Even a tard like moi can get through shit like that.

You aint no tard Parrot lady
I, on the other hand may well be tarded
I speak the Acid Words to me .......We are all going to by this CD


Agry Parrot

Sentient 6 is so damn good. The chorus, man, the catchiest thing ever. Sadly, otherwise I don't think that This Godless Endeavor is on-par with Enemies. There's That's what I said about Enemies when compared to Dead Heart too, though. Having the lyrics in front of me will certainly improve many songs.
As for Steph's reference to I, Robot, good thing I haven't seen the movie. :) I'm guessing this song is a lot better than the movie anyway. Not that they're very comparable, other than on the scale of good and bad. :p
I'll definately be purchasing this cd. From what i've heard, it sounds killer. Although I do agree with neal. There's just something about the sound of dnb and poe. Dark and subtle.
Can't wait till the tour \m/
Having listened to it...(still listening...can't stop) I'd say...the production is probably some of Andy's best work. It's pristine, but still sounds organic and it has alot of life to it. Its not sterile at all like what I've come to expect from Mr. Sneap.

Cheers! this album is awesome! Can't wait to buy it several times. (going to get it for all my friends as well..!)
I speak the Acid Words to me .......We are all going to by this CD

Waits...................and waits for the headlining tour (I hope I hope I hope.........)
I say we find the leaker and leak on him/her.......I know Cara's in for this.........